diff --git a/src/cpu.rs b/src/cpu.rs
index a56d2de9bd262873c95d050dac41d74aae050ccb..160d07bb6185fe5db0acc4d4993c67b375f08e68 100644
--- a/src/cpu.rs
+++ b/src/cpu.rs
@@ -1,488 +1,27 @@
-use crate::{mmu::Mmu, ppu::Ppu};
+use crate::{
+    mmu::Mmu,
+    ppu::Ppu,
 pub const PREFIX: u8 = 0xcb;
-pub const INSTRUCTIONS: [(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); 256] = [
-    // 0x0 opcodes
-    (nop, 4, "NOP"),
-    (ld_bc_u16, 12, "LD BC, u16"),
-    (ld_mbc_a, 8, "LD [BC], A"),
-    (inc_bc, 8, "INC BC"),
-    (inc_b, 4, "INC B"),
-    (dec_b, 4, "DEC B"),
-    (ld_b_u8, 8, "LD B, u8"),
-    (rlca, 4, "RLCA"),
-    (ld_mu16_sp, 20, "LD [u16], SP"),
-    (add_hl_bc, 8, "ADD HL, BC"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (inc_c, 4, "INC C"),
-    (dec_c, 4, "DEC C"),
-    (ld_c_u8, 8, "LD C, u8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x1 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_de_u16, 12, "LD DE, u16"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (inc_de, 8, "INC DE"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (dec_d, 4, "DEC D"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (rla, 4, "RLA"),
-    (jr_i8, 12, "JR i8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_a_mde, 8, "LD A, [DE]"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (dec_e, 4, "DEC E"),
-    (ld_e_u8, 8, "LD E, u8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x2 opcodes
-    (jr_nz_i8, 8, "JR NZ, i8"),
-    (ld_hl_u16, 12, "LD HL, u16"),
-    (ld_mhli_a, 8, "LD [HL+], A"),
-    (inc_hl, 8, "INC HL"),
-    (inc_h, 4, "INC H"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (jr_z_i8, 8, "JR Z, i8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_l_u8, 8, "LD L, u8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x3 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_sp_u16, 12, "LD SP, u16"),
-    (ld_mhld_a, 8, "LD [HL-], A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (dec_a, 4, "DEC A"),
-    (ld_a_u8, 8, "LD A, u8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x4 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_b_h, 4, "LD B, H"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_c_a, 4, "LD C, A"),
-    // 0x5 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_d_a, 4, "LD D, A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x6 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_h_a, 4, "LD H, A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x7 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_mhl_a, 8, "LD [HL], A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_a_e, 4, "LD A, E"),
-    (ld_a_h, 4, "LD A, H"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x8 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x9 opcodes
-    (sub_a_b, 4, "SUB A, B"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xa opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (xor_a_a, 4, "XOR A, A"),
-    // 0xb opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xc opcodes
-    (ret_nz, 8, "RET NZ"),
-    (pop_bc, 12, "POP BC"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (push_bc, 16, "PUSH BC"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ret, 16, "RET"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (call_u16, 24, "CALL u16"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xd opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xe opcodes
-    (ld_mff00u8_a, 12, "LD [FF00+u8], A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_mff00c_a, 8, "LD [FF00+C], A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (ld_mu16_a, 16, "LD [u16], A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xf opcodes
-    (ld_a_mff00u8, 12, "LD A, [FF00+u8]"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (cp_a_u8, 8, "CP A, u8"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-pub const BITWISE: [(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); 176] = [
-    // 0x0 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x1 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (rl_c, 8, "RL C"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x2 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x3 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x4 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x5 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x6 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x7 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (bit_7_h, 8, "BIT 7, H"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x8 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0x9 opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    // 0xa opcodes
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
 pub struct Cpu {
-    pc: u16,
-    sp: u16,
-    a: u8,
-    b: u8,
-    c: u8,
-    d: u8,
-    e: u8,
-    h: u8,
-    l: u8,
+    pub pc: u16,
+    pub sp: u16,
+    pub a: u8,
+    pub b: u8,
+    pub c: u8,
+    pub d: u8,
+    pub e: u8,
+    pub h: u8,
+    pub l: u8,
     zero: bool,
     sub: bool,
     half_carry: bool,
     carry: bool,
-    mmu: Mmu,
-    ticks: u32,
+    pub mmu: Mmu,
+    pub ticks: u32,
 impl Cpu {
@@ -538,7 +77,7 @@ impl Cpu {
             println!("GOING TO PLAY BOOT SOUND");
-        if pc == 0x008f {
+        if pc == 0x00e0 {
             println!("GOING TO PLAY BOOT 0x00e0");
@@ -579,17 +118,17 @@ impl Cpu {
-    fn af(&self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn af(&self) -> u16 {
         (self.a as u16) << 8 | self.f() as u16
-    fn bc(&self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn bc(&self) -> u16 {
         (self.b as u16) << 8 | self.c as u16
-    fn f(&self) -> u8 {
+    pub fn f(&self) -> u8 {
         let mut f = 0x0u8;
         if self.zero {
             f |= 0x80;
@@ -607,42 +146,42 @@ impl Cpu {
-    fn set_bc(&mut self, value: u16) {
+    pub fn set_bc(&mut self, value: u16) {
         self.b = (value >> 8) as u8;
         self.c = value as u8;
-    fn de(&self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn de(&self) -> u16 {
         (self.d as u16) << 8 | self.e as u16
-    fn set_de(&mut self, value: u16) {
+    pub fn set_de(&mut self, value: u16) {
         self.d = (value >> 8) as u8;
         self.e = value as u8;
-    fn hl(&self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn hl(&self) -> u16 {
         (self.h as u16) << 8 | self.l as u16
-    fn set_hl(&mut self, value: u16) {
+    pub fn set_hl(&mut self, value: u16) {
         self.h = (value >> 8) as u8;
         self.l = value as u8;
-    fn read_u8(&mut self) -> u8 {
+    pub fn read_u8(&mut self) -> u8 {
         let byte = self.mmu.read(self.pc);
         self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1);
-    fn read_u16(&mut self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn read_u16(&mut self) -> u16 {
         let byte1 = self.read_u8();
         let byte2 = self.read_u8();
         let word = byte1 as u16 | ((byte2 as u16) << 8);
@@ -650,452 +189,67 @@ impl Cpu {
-    fn push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
+    pub fn push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
         self.sp = self.sp.wrapping_sub(1);
         self.mmu.write(self.sp, byte);
-    fn push_word(&mut self, word: u16) {
+    pub fn push_word(&mut self, word: u16) {
         self.push_byte((word >> 8) as u8);
         self.push_byte(word as u8);
-    fn pop_byte(&mut self) -> u8 {
+    pub fn pop_byte(&mut self) -> u8 {
         let byte = self.mmu.read(self.sp);
         self.sp = self.sp.wrapping_add(1);
-    fn pop_word(&mut self) -> u16 {
+    pub fn pop_word(&mut self) -> u16 {
         let word = self.pop_byte() as u16 | ((self.pop_byte() as u16) << 8);
-    fn get_zero(&self) -> bool {
+    pub fn get_zero(&self) -> bool {
-    fn set_zero(&mut self, value: bool) {
+    pub fn set_zero(&mut self, value: bool) {
         self.zero = value
-    fn get_sub(&self) -> bool {
+    pub fn get_sub(&self) -> bool {
-    fn set_sub(&mut self, value: bool) {
+    pub fn set_sub(&mut self, value: bool) {
         self.sub = value;
-    fn get_half_carry(&self) -> bool {
+    pub fn get_half_carry(&self) -> bool {
-    fn set_half_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
+    pub fn set_half_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
         self.half_carry = value
-    fn get_carry(&self) -> bool {
+    pub fn get_carry(&self) -> bool {
-    fn set_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
+    pub fn set_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
         self.carry = value;
-fn nop(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {}
-fn noimpl(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    todo!("Instruction not implemented");
-fn ld_bc_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.set_bc(word);
-fn ld_mbc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.bc(), cpu.a);
-fn inc_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.set_bc(cpu.bc().wrapping_add(1));
-fn inc_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let value = cpu.b.wrapping_add(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.b = value;
-fn dec_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let b = cpu.b;
-    let value = b.wrapping_sub(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((b & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.b = value;
-fn ld_b_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.b = byte;
-fn rlca(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let carry = cpu.a >> 7;
-    cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry;
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(false);
-    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
-    cpu.set_carry(carry == 1);
-fn ld_mu16_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.sp as u8);
-    cpu.mmu.write(word + 1, (cpu.sp >> 8) as u8);
-fn add_hl_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(), cpu.bc());
-    cpu.set_hl(value);
-fn inc_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let value = cpu.c.wrapping_add(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.c = value;
-fn dec_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let c = cpu.c;
-    let value = c.wrapping_sub(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((c & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.c = value;
-fn ld_c_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.c = byte;
-fn ld_de_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.set_de(word);
-fn inc_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.set_de(cpu.de().wrapping_add(1));
-fn dec_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let d = cpu.d;
-    let value = d.wrapping_sub(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((d & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.d = value;
-fn rla(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let carry = cpu.get_carry();
-    cpu.set_carry(cpu.a & 0x80 == 0x80);
-    cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry as u8;
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(false);
-    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
-fn jr_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
-    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
-fn ld_a_mde(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.mmu.read(cpu.de());
-    cpu.a = byte;
-fn dec_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let e = cpu.e;
-    let value = e.wrapping_sub(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((e & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.e = value;
-fn ld_e_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.e = byte;
-fn jr_nz_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
-    if cpu.get_zero() {
-        return;
-    }
-    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
-    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(4);
-fn ld_hl_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.set_hl(word);
-fn ld_mhli_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
-    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1));
-fn inc_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1));
-fn inc_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let value = cpu.h.wrapping_add(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.h = value;
-fn jr_z_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
-    if !cpu.get_zero() {
-        return;
-    }
-    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
-    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(4);
-fn ld_l_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.l = byte;
-fn ld_sp_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.sp = cpu.read_u16();
-fn ld_mhld_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
-    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_sub(1));
-fn dec_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let a = cpu.a;
-    let value = a.wrapping_sub(1);
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((a & 0xf) == 0xf);
-    cpu.a = value;
-fn ld_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.a = byte;
-fn ld_b_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.b = cpu.h;
-fn ld_c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.c = cpu.a;
-fn ld_d_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.d = cpu.a;
-fn ld_h_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.h = cpu.a;
-fn ld_mhl_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
-fn ld_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.a = cpu.e;
-fn ld_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.a = cpu.h;
-fn sub_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b);
-fn xor_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.a ^= cpu.a;
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
-    cpu.set_carry(false);
-fn ret_nz(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    if cpu.get_zero() {
-        return;
-    }
-    cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word();
-    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(12);
-fn pop_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.pop_word();
-    cpu.set_bc(word);
-fn push_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.push_word(cpu.bc());
-fn ret(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word();
-fn call_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.push_word(cpu.pc);
-    cpu.pc = word;
-fn ld_mff00u8_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + byte as u16, cpu.a);
-fn ld_mff00c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + cpu.c as u16, cpu.a);
-fn ld_mu16_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let word = cpu.read_u16();
-    cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.a);
-fn ld_a_mff00u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    cpu.a = cpu.mmu.read(0xff00 + byte as u16);
-fn cp_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
-    sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte);
-fn rl_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    cpu.c = rl(cpu, cpu.c);
-fn bit_7_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
-    bit_h(cpu, 7);
-/// Helper function that rotates (shifts) the given
-/// byte (probably from a register) and updates the
-/// proper flag registers.
-fn rl(cpu: &mut Cpu, byte: u8) -> u8 {
-    let carry = cpu.get_carry();
-    cpu.set_carry(byte & 0x80 == 0x80);
-    let result = (byte << 1) | carry as u8;
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(result == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
-    result
-/// Helper function to test one bit in a u8.
-/// Returns true if bit is 0.
-fn bit_zero(val: u8, bit: u8) -> bool {
-    (val & (1u8 << (bit as usize))) == 0
-fn bit_h(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) {
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.h, bit));
-    cpu.set_half_carry(true);
-fn sub_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
-    // checks for borrow using 32bit arithmetics
-    let x = x as u32;
-    let y = y as u32;
-    let value = x.wrapping_sub(y);
-    let value_b = value as u8;
-    cpu.set_sub(true);
-    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x100 == 0x100);
-    cpu.set_zero(value_b == 0);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((x ^ y ^ value) & 0x10 == 0x10);
-    value_b
-fn add_u16_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u16, second: u16) -> u16 {
-    let first = first as u32;
-    let second = second as u32;
-    let value = first.wrapping_add(second);
-    cpu.set_sub(false);
-    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x10000 == 0x10000);
-    cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ value) & 0x1000 == 0x1000);
-    value as u16
diff --git a/src/inst.rs b/src/inst.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e72237747b2e763e5f16f2a44b663377e2868e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inst.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+use crate::cpu::Cpu;
+pub const INSTRUCTIONS: [(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); 256] = [
+    // 0x0 opcodes
+    (nop, 4, "NOP"),
+    (ld_bc_u16, 12, "LD BC, u16"),
+    (ld_mbc_a, 8, "LD [BC], A"),
+    (inc_bc, 8, "INC BC"),
+    (inc_b, 4, "INC B"),
+    (dec_b, 4, "DEC B"),
+    (ld_b_u8, 8, "LD B, u8"),
+    (rlca, 4, "RLCA"),
+    (ld_mu16_sp, 20, "LD [u16], SP"),
+    (add_hl_bc, 8, "ADD HL, BC"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (inc_c, 4, "INC C"),
+    (dec_c, 4, "DEC C"),
+    (ld_c_u8, 8, "LD C, u8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x1 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_de_u16, 12, "LD DE, u16"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (inc_de, 8, "INC DE"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (dec_d, 4, "DEC D"),
+    (ld_d_u8, 8, "LD D, u8"),
+    (rla, 4, "RLA"),
+    (jr_i8, 12, "JR i8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_a_mde, 8, "LD A, [DE]"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (dec_e, 4, "DEC E"),
+    (ld_e_u8, 8, "LD E, u8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x2 opcodes
+    (jr_nz_i8, 8, "JR NZ, i8"),
+    (ld_hl_u16, 12, "LD HL, u16"),
+    (ld_mhli_a, 8, "LD [HL+], A"),
+    (inc_hl, 8, "INC HL"),
+    (inc_h, 4, "INC H"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (jr_z_i8, 8, "JR Z, i8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_l_u8, 8, "LD L, u8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x3 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_sp_u16, 12, "LD SP, u16"),
+    (ld_mhld_a, 8, "LD [HL-], A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (dec_a, 4, "DEC A"),
+    (ld_a_u8, 8, "LD A, u8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x4 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_b_h, 4, "LD B, H"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_c_a, 4, "LD C, A"),
+    // 0x5 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_d_a, 4, "LD D, A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x6 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_h_a, 4, "LD H, A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x7 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_mhl_a, 8, "LD [HL], A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_a_e, 4, "LD A, E"),
+    (ld_a_h, 4, "LD A, H"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x8 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x9 opcodes
+    (sub_a_b, 4, "SUB A, B"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xa opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (xor_a_a, 4, "XOR A, A"),
+    // 0xb opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xc opcodes
+    (ret_nz, 8, "RET NZ"),
+    (pop_bc, 12, "POP BC"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (push_bc, 16, "PUSH BC"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ret, 16, "RET"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (call_u16, 24, "CALL u16"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xd opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xe opcodes
+    (ld_mff00u8_a, 12, "LD [FF00+u8], A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_mff00c_a, 8, "LD [FF00+C], A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (ld_mu16_a, 16, "LD [u16], A"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xf opcodes
+    (ld_a_mff00u8, 12, "LD A, [FF00+u8]"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (cp_a_u8, 8, "CP A, u8"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+pub const BITWISE: [(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); 176] = [
+    // 0x0 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x1 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (rl_c, 8, "RL C"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x2 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x3 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x4 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x5 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x6 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x7 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (bit_7_h, 8, "BIT 7, H"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x8 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0x9 opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    // 0xa opcodes
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+fn nop(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {}
+fn noimpl(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    todo!("Instruction not implemented");
+fn ld_bc_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.set_bc(word);
+fn ld_mbc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.bc(), cpu.a);
+fn inc_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.set_bc(cpu.bc().wrapping_add(1));
+fn inc_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let value = cpu.b.wrapping_add(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.b = value;
+fn dec_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let b = cpu.b;
+    let value = b.wrapping_sub(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((b & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.b = value;
+fn ld_b_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.b = byte;
+fn rlca(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let carry = cpu.a >> 7;
+    cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry;
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(false);
+    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
+    cpu.set_carry(carry == 1);
+fn ld_mu16_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.sp as u8);
+    cpu.mmu.write(word + 1, (cpu.sp >> 8) as u8);
+fn add_hl_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(), cpu.bc());
+    cpu.set_hl(value);
+fn inc_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let value = cpu.c.wrapping_add(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.c = value;
+fn dec_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let c = cpu.c;
+    let value = c.wrapping_sub(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((c & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.c = value;
+fn ld_c_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.c = byte;
+fn ld_de_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.set_de(word);
+fn inc_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.set_de(cpu.de().wrapping_add(1));
+fn dec_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let d = cpu.d;
+    let value = d.wrapping_sub(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((d & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.d = value;
+fn ld_d_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.d = byte;
+fn rla(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let carry = cpu.get_carry();
+    cpu.set_carry(cpu.a & 0x80 == 0x80);
+    cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry as u8;
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(false);
+    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
+fn jr_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
+    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
+fn ld_a_mde(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.mmu.read(cpu.de());
+    cpu.a = byte;
+fn dec_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let e = cpu.e;
+    let value = e.wrapping_sub(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((e & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.e = value;
+fn ld_e_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.e = byte;
+fn jr_nz_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
+    if cpu.get_zero() {
+        return;
+    }
+    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
+    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(4);
+fn ld_hl_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.set_hl(word);
+fn ld_mhli_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
+    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1));
+fn inc_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1));
+fn inc_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let value = cpu.h.wrapping_add(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((value & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.h = value;
+fn jr_z_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8;
+    if !cpu.get_zero() {
+        return;
+    }
+    cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16;
+    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(4);
+fn ld_l_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.l = byte;
+fn ld_sp_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.sp = cpu.read_u16();
+fn ld_mhld_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
+    cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_sub(1));
+fn dec_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let a = cpu.a;
+    let value = a.wrapping_sub(1);
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_zero(value == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((a & 0xf) == 0xf);
+    cpu.a = value;
+fn ld_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.a = byte;
+fn ld_b_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.b = cpu.h;
+fn ld_c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.c = cpu.a;
+fn ld_d_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.d = cpu.a;
+fn ld_h_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.h = cpu.a;
+fn ld_mhl_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a);
+fn ld_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.a = cpu.e;
+fn ld_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.a = cpu.h;
+fn sub_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b);
+fn xor_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.a ^= cpu.a;
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
+    cpu.set_carry(false);
+fn ret_nz(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    if cpu.get_zero() {
+        return;
+    }
+    cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word();
+    cpu.ticks = cpu.ticks.wrapping_add(12);
+fn pop_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.pop_word();
+    cpu.set_bc(word);
+fn push_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.push_word(cpu.bc());
+fn ret(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word();
+fn call_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.push_word(cpu.pc);
+    cpu.pc = word;
+fn ld_mff00u8_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + byte as u16, cpu.a);
+fn ld_mff00c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + cpu.c as u16, cpu.a);
+fn ld_mu16_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let word = cpu.read_u16();
+    cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.a);
+fn ld_a_mff00u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    cpu.a = cpu.mmu.read(0xff00 + byte as u16);
+fn cp_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let byte = cpu.read_u8();
+    sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte);
+fn rl_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.c = rl(cpu, cpu.c);
+fn bit_7_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    bit_h(cpu, 7);
+/// Helper function that rotates (shifts) the given
+/// byte (probably from a register) and updates the
+/// proper flag registers.
+fn rl(cpu: &mut Cpu, byte: u8) -> u8 {
+    let carry = cpu.get_carry();
+    cpu.set_carry(byte & 0x80 == 0x80);
+    let result = (byte << 1) | carry as u8;
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(result == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
+    result
+/// Helper function to test one bit in a u8.
+/// Returns true if bit is 0.
+fn bit_zero(val: u8, bit: u8) -> bool {
+    (val & (1u8 << (bit as usize))) == 0
+fn bit_h(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) {
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.h, bit));
+    cpu.set_half_carry(true);
+fn sub_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
+    // checks for borrow using 32bit arithmetics
+    let x = x as u32;
+    let y = y as u32;
+    let value = x.wrapping_sub(y);
+    let value_b = value as u8;
+    cpu.set_sub(true);
+    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x100 == 0x100);
+    cpu.set_zero(value_b == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((x ^ y ^ value) & 0x10 == 0x10);
+    value_b
+fn add_u16_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u16, second: u16) -> u16 {
+    let first = first as u32;
+    let second = second as u32;
+    let value = first.wrapping_add(second);
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x10000 == 0x10000);
+    cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ value) & 0x1000 == 0x1000);
+    value as u16
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index a97946777148486e817e8da372732d215d1ca5dc..d585d8ecc1aa509dc3b0de7eba0cde276f1338b9 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 pub mod cpu;
 pub mod gb;
+pub mod inst;
 pub mod mmu;
 pub mod ppu;
 pub mod util;