diff --git a/frontends/sdl/src/main.rs b/frontends/sdl/src/main.rs
index b4fbcd30769f944251cd22529c330d8955c3be13..9f95a6a8c6ccb640df366b85d768f8df1d032c66 100644
--- a/frontends/sdl/src/main.rs
+++ b/frontends/sdl/src/main.rs
@@ -9,17 +9,11 @@ use boytacean::{
     ppu::{PaletteInfo, PpuMode, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_WIDTH},
 use sdl2::{event::Event, keyboard::Keycode, pixels::PixelFormatEnum};
-use std::time::SystemTime;
+use std::{cmp::max, time::SystemTime};
 use util::Graphics;
 use crate::util::surface_from_bytes;
-/// The ratio at which the logic of the Game Boy is
-/// going to be run, increasing this value will provide
-/// better emulator accuracy, please keep in mind that
-/// the PPU will keep running at the same speed.
-const LOGIC_RATIO: f32 = 2.0;
 /// The scale at which the screen is going to be drawn
 /// meaning the ratio between Game Boy resolution and
 /// the window size to be displayed.
@@ -47,7 +41,8 @@ impl Default for Benchmark {
 pub struct Emulator {
     system: GameBoy,
     graphics: Graphics,
-    logic_ratio: f32,
+    logic_frequency: u32,
+    visual_frequency: f32,
     next_tick_time: f32,
     next_tick_time_i: u32,
     palettes: [PaletteInfo; 3],
@@ -64,7 +59,8 @@ impl Emulator {
                 DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32,
-            logic_ratio: LOGIC_RATIO,
+            logic_frequency: GameBoy::CPU_FREQ,
+            visual_frequency: GameBoy::VISUAL_FREQ,
             next_tick_time: 0.0,
             next_tick_time_i: 0,
             palettes: [
@@ -164,6 +160,10 @@ impl Emulator {
+        // starts the variable that will control the number of cycles that
+        // are going to move (because of overflow) from one tick to another
+        let mut pending_cycles = 0u32;
         // allocates space for the loop ticks counter to be used in each
         // iteration cycle
         let mut counter = 0u32;
@@ -192,6 +192,14 @@ impl Emulator {
                         keycode: Some(Keycode::P),
                     } => self.toggle_palette(),
+                    Event::KeyDown {
+                        keycode: Some(Keycode::Plus),
+                        ..
+                    } => self.logic_frequency = self.logic_frequency.saturating_add(400000),
+                    Event::KeyDown {
+                        keycode: Some(Keycode::Minus),
+                        ..
+                    } => self.logic_frequency = self.logic_frequency.saturating_sub(400000),
                     Event::KeyDown {
                         keycode: Some(keycode),
@@ -208,7 +216,6 @@ impl Emulator {
                     Event::DropFile { filename, .. } => {
@@ -220,19 +227,21 @@ impl Emulator {
             let current_time = self.graphics.timer_subsystem.ticks();
-            let mut counter_cycles = 0u32;
+            let mut counter_cycles = pending_cycles;
             let mut last_frame = 0xffffu16;
             if current_time >= self.next_tick_time_i {
                 // calculates the number of cycles that are meant to be the target
-                // for the current "tick" operation this is basically the number of
-                // cycles per LCD roundtrip divided by the logic ratio
-                let cycle_limit = (GameBoy::LCD_CYCLES as f32 / self.logic_ratio) as u32;
+                // for the current "tick" operation this is basically the current
+                // logic frequency divided by the visual one
+                let cycle_limit =
+                    (self.logic_frequency as f32 / self.visual_frequency).round() as u32;
                 loop {
                     // limits the number of ticks to the typical number
                     // of cycles expected for the current logic cycle
                     if counter_cycles >= cycle_limit {
+                        pending_cycles = counter_cycles - cycle_limit;
@@ -266,12 +275,22 @@ impl Emulator {
-                let logic_frequency =
-                    GameBoy::CPU_FREQ as f32 / GameBoy::LCD_CYCLES as f32 * self.logic_ratio;
+                // calculates the number of ticks that have elapsed since the
+                // last draw operation, this is critical to be able to properly
+                // operate the clock of the CPU in frame drop situations, meaning
+                // a situation where the system resources are no able to emulate
+                // the system on time and frames must be skipped (ticks > 1)
+                if self.next_tick_time == 0.0 {
+                    self.next_tick_time = current_time as f32;
+                }
+                let mut ticks = ((current_time as f32 - self.next_tick_time)
+                    / ((1.0 / self.visual_frequency) * 1000.0))
+                    .ceil() as u8;
+                ticks = max(ticks, 1);
                 // updates the next update time reference to the current
                 // time so that it can be used from game loop control
-                self.next_tick_time += 1000.0 / logic_frequency;
+                self.next_tick_time += (1000.0 / self.visual_frequency) * ticks as f32;
                 self.next_tick_time_i = self.next_tick_time.ceil() as u32;
diff --git a/frontends/sdl/src/util.rs b/frontends/sdl/src/util.rs
index df6a550f781e486ccdf4b4b914b1b6501ee131c4..8ed5af04a1f5535747765f8bdd3a1550517bf3ad 100644
--- a/frontends/sdl/src/util.rs
+++ b/frontends/sdl/src/util.rs
@@ -44,12 +44,7 @@ impl Graphics {
         // creates an accelerated canvas to be used in the drawing
         // then clears it so that is can be presented empty initially
-        let mut canvas = window
-            .into_canvas()
-            .accelerated()
-            .present_vsync()
-            .build()
-            .unwrap();
+        let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().accelerated().build().unwrap();
         canvas.set_logical_size(width, height).unwrap();
diff --git a/frontends/web/ts/gb.ts b/frontends/web/ts/gb.ts
index b954d9472504e12338fccb0dc8b0d44af658bc20..02bb2589dab511c0315c10388444a83bf23d0a16 100644
--- a/frontends/web/ts/gb.ts
+++ b/frontends/web/ts/gb.ts
@@ -29,9 +29,24 @@ import info from "../package.json";
 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
 declare const require: any;
+ * The frequency at which the Game Boy emulator should
+ * run "normally".
+ */
 const LOGIC_HZ = 4194304;
+ * The frequency at witch the the visual loop is going to
+ * run, increasing this value will have a consequence in
+ * the visual frames per second (FPS) of emulation.
+ */
 const VISUAL_HZ = 59.7275;
+ * The frequency of the pause polling update operation,
+ * increasing this value will make resume from emulation
+ * paused state fasted.
+ */
 const IDLE_HZ = 10;
 const DISPLAY_WIDTH = 160;
@@ -215,16 +230,6 @@ export class GameboyEmulator extends EmulatorBase implements Emulator {
         // reached the flush of the "tick" logic is skipped
         if (currentTime < this.nextTickTime) return pending;
-        // calculates the number of ticks that have elapsed since the
-        // last draw operation, this is critical to be able to properly
-        // operate the clock of the CPU in frame drop situations
-        if (this.nextTickTime === 0) this.nextTickTime = currentTime;
-        let ticks = Math.ceil(
-            (currentTime - this.nextTickTime) /
-                ((1 / this.visualFrequency) * 1000)
-        );
-        ticks = Math.max(ticks, 1);
         // initializes the counter of cycles with the pending number
         // of cycles coming from the previous tick
         let counterCycles = pending;
@@ -287,8 +292,21 @@ export class GameboyEmulator extends EmulatorBase implements Emulator {
             this.frameStart = currentTime;
-        // updates the next update time reference to the, so that it
-        // can be used to control the game loop
+        // calculates the number of ticks that have elapsed since the
+        // last draw operation, this is critical to be able to properly
+        // operate the clock of the CPU in frame drop situations, meaning
+        // a situation where the system resources are no able to emulate
+        // the system on time and frames must be skipped (ticks > 1)
+        if (this.nextTickTime === 0) this.nextTickTime = currentTime;
+        let ticks = Math.ceil(
+            (currentTime - this.nextTickTime) /
+                ((1 / this.visualFrequency) * 1000)
+        );
+        ticks = Math.max(ticks, 1);
+        // updates the next update time according to the number of ticks
+        // that have elapsed since the last operation, this way this value
+        // can better be used to control the game loop
         this.nextTickTime += (1000 / this.visualFrequency) * ticks;
         // calculates the new number of pending (overflow) cycles
diff --git a/src/gb.rs b/src/gb.rs
index 29c29bf0a271760f371db97b8855b0e75928070d..f78ff75fc82a66905b601237ed687a42cb9e29fa 100644
--- a/src/gb.rs
+++ b/src/gb.rs
@@ -219,10 +219,14 @@ impl GameBoy {
 /// Gameboy implementations that are meant with performance
 /// in mind and that do not support WASM interface of copy.
 impl GameBoy {
-    /// The logical frequency of the Game Boy
+    /// The logic frequency of the Game Boy
     /// CPU in hz.
     pub const CPU_FREQ: u32 = 4194304;
+    /// The visual frequency (refresh rate)
+    /// of the Game Boy, close to 60 hz.
+    pub const VISUAL_FREQ: f32 = 59.7275;
     /// The cycles taken to run a complete frame
     /// loop in the Game Boy's PPU (in CPU cycles).
     pub const LCD_CYCLES: u32 = 70224;