diff --git a/examples/sdl/src/main.rs b/examples/sdl/src/main.rs
index ecc0eeaeeadf5465b04dff2eea934847d71545e1..4722429573330ffa542c0261b450945c933aa03b 100644
--- a/examples/sdl/src/main.rs
+++ b/examples/sdl/src/main.rs
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ fn main() {
     let mut game_boy = GameBoy::new();
-    game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms.prop/tetris.gb");
+    //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms.prop/tetris.gb");
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/01-special.gb"); // PASSED
-    //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/02-interrupts.gb"); // NO FINISH
+    //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/02-interrupts.gb"); // FAILED #2
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/03-op sp,hl.gb"); // PASSED
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/04-op r,imm.gb"); // PASSED
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/05-op rp.gb"); // PASSED
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/06-ld r,r.gb"); // PASSED
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/07-jr,jp,call,ret,rst.gb"); // PASSED
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/08-misc instrs.gb");  // PASSED
-    //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/09-op r,r.gb"); // NO FINISH
+    game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/09-op r,r.gb"); // NO FINISH
     //game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/11-op a,(hl).gb"); // NO FINISH
     let mut counter = 0u32;
diff --git a/src/cpu.rs b/src/cpu.rs
index e56b8e5f2ba55ba83eeb4130c1818b043f980049..1e29d760c946baf923b91ef179fcb6b9b657f110 100644
--- a/src/cpu.rs
+++ b/src/cpu.rs
@@ -98,10 +98,6 @@ impl Cpu {
     pub fn clock(&mut self) -> u8 {
-        if self.halted {
-            return 4;
-        }
         // gathers the PC (program counter) reference that
         // is going to be used in the fetching phase
         let pc = self.pc;
@@ -115,11 +111,14 @@ impl Cpu {
         if self.ime {
             // @todo aggregate all of this interrupts in the MMU
             if (self.mmu.ie & 0x01 == 0x01) && self.mmu.ppu().int_vblank() {
-                println!("Going to run V-Blank interrupt handler");
-                let pc = self.pc;
+                println!("Going to run V-Blank interrupt handler (0x40)");
                 self.pc = 0x40;
+                // acknowledges that the V-Blank interrupt has been
+                // properly handled
                 // in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
@@ -132,6 +131,13 @@ impl Cpu {
+        // in case the CPU is currently in the halted state
+        // returns the control flow immediately with the associated
+        // number of cycles estimated for the halted execution
+        if self.halted {
+            return 4;
+        }
         // fetches the current instruction and increments
         // the PC (program counter) accordingly
         let mut opcode = self.mmu.read(self.pc);
@@ -151,6 +157,9 @@ impl Cpu {
         let (instruction_fn, instruction_time, instruction_str) = instruction;
         if *instruction_str == "! UNIMP !" || *instruction_str == "HALT" {
+            if *instruction_str == "HALT" {
+                println!("Waiting for {:x} in HALT", self.mmu.ie);
+            }
                 "{}\t(0x{:02x})\t${:04x} {}",
                 instruction_str, opcode, pc, is_prefix
diff --git a/src/inst.rs b/src/inst.rs
index a50aa73f055063255895cf64bb7d765ac598a93e..faf104823355677f80df5ab208d82fb5750f8b64 100644
--- a/src/inst.rs
+++ b/src/inst.rs
@@ -322,14 +322,14 @@ pub const EXTENDED: [(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); 256] = [
     (sla_l, 8, "SLA L"),
     (sla_mhl, 16, "SLA [HL]"),
     (sla_a, 8, "SLA A"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
-    (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
+    (sra_b, 8, "SRA B"),
+    (sra_c, 8, "SRA C"),
+    (sra_d, 8, "SRA D"),
+    (sra_e, 8, "SRA E"),
+    (sra_h, 8, "SRA H"),
+    (sra_l, 8, "SRA L"),
+    (sra_mhl, 16, "SRA [HL]"),
+    (sra_a, 8, "SRA A"),
     // 0x3 opcodes
     (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
     (noimpl, 4, "! UNIMP !"),
@@ -2218,6 +2218,41 @@ fn sla_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
     cpu.a = sla(cpu, cpu.a);
+fn sra_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.b = sra(cpu, cpu.b);
+fn sra_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.c = sra(cpu, cpu.c);
+fn sra_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.d = sra(cpu, cpu.d);
+fn sra_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.e = sra(cpu, cpu.e);
+fn sra_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.h = sra(cpu, cpu.h);
+fn sra_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.l = sra(cpu, cpu.l);
+fn sra_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    let hl = cpu.hl();
+    let byte = cpu.mmu.read(hl);
+    let result = sra(cpu, byte);
+    cpu.mmu.write(hl, result);
+fn sra_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
+    cpu.a = sra(cpu, cpu.a);
 fn swap_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) {
     cpu.a = swap(cpu, cpu.a)
@@ -2777,7 +2812,18 @@ fn sla(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 {
     cpu.set_zero(result == 0);
-    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x80 != 0);
+    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x80 == 0x80);
+    result
+fn sra(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 {
+    let result = (value >> 1) | (value & 0x80);
+    cpu.set_sub(false);
+    cpu.set_zero(result == 0);
+    cpu.set_half_carry(false);
+    cpu.set_carry(value & 0x01 == 0x01);