use crate::cpu::Cpu; pub const INSTRUCTIONS: [Instruction; 256] = [ // 0x0 opcodes (nop, 4, "NOP"), (ld_bc_u16, 12, "LD BC, u16"), (ld_mbc_a, 8, "LD [BC], A"), (inc_bc, 8, "INC BC"), (inc_b, 4, "INC B"), (dec_b, 4, "DEC B"), (ld_b_u8, 8, "LD B, u8"), (rlca, 4, "RLCA"), (ld_mu16_sp, 20, "LD [u16], SP"), (add_hl_bc, 8, "ADD HL, BC"), (ld_a_mbc, 8, "LD A, [BC]"), (dec_bc, 8, "DEC BC"), (inc_c, 4, "INC C"), (dec_c, 4, "DEC C"), (ld_c_u8, 8, "LD C, u8"), (rrca, 4, "RRCA"), // 0x1 opcodes (stop, 4, "STOP"), (ld_de_u16, 12, "LD DE, u16"), (ld_mde_a, 8, "LD [DE], A"), (inc_de, 8, "INC DE"), (inc_d, 4, "INC D"), (dec_d, 4, "DEC D"), (ld_d_u8, 8, "LD D, u8"), (rla, 4, "RLA"), (jr_i8, 12, "JR i8"), (add_hl_de, 8, "ADD HL, DE"), (ld_a_mde, 8, "LD A, [DE]"), (dec_de, 8, "DEC DE"), (inc_e, 4, "INC E"), (dec_e, 4, "DEC E"), (ld_e_u8, 8, "LD E, u8"), (rra, 4, "RRA"), // 0x2 opcodes (jr_nz_i8, 8, "JR NZ, i8"), (ld_hl_u16, 12, "LD HL, u16"), (ld_mhli_a, 8, "LD [HL+], A"), (inc_hl, 8, "INC HL"), (inc_h, 4, "INC H"), (dec_h, 4, "DEC H"), (ld_h_u8, 8, "LD H, u8"), (daa, 4, "DAA"), (jr_z_i8, 8, "JR Z, i8"), (add_hl_hl, 8, "ADD HL, HL"), (ld_a_mhli, 8, "LD A, [HL+] "), (dec_hl, 8, "DEC HL"), (inc_l, 4, "INC L"), (dec_l, 4, "DEC L"), (ld_l_u8, 8, "LD L, u8"), (cpl, 4, "CPL"), // 0x3 opcodes (jr_nc_i8, 8, "JR NC, i8"), (ld_sp_u16, 12, "LD SP, u16"), (ld_mhld_a, 8, "LD [HL-], A"), (inc_sp, 8, "INC SP"), (inc_mhl, 12, "INC [HL]"), (dec_mhl, 12, "DEC [HL]"), (ld_mhl_u8, 12, "LD [HL], u8 "), (scf, 4, "SCF"), (jr_c_i8, 8, "JR C, i8"), (add_hl_sp, 8, "ADD HL, SP"), (ld_a_mhld, 8, "LD A, [HL-]"), (dec_sp, 8, "DEC SP"), (inc_a, 4, "INC A"), (dec_a, 4, "DEC A"), (ld_a_u8, 8, "LD A, u8"), (ccf, 4, "CCF"), // 0x4 opcodes (ld_b_b, 4, "LD B, B"), (ld_b_c, 4, "LD B, C"), (ld_b_d, 4, "LD B, D"), (ld_b_e, 4, "LD B, E"), (ld_b_h, 4, "LD B, H"), (ld_b_l, 4, "LD B, L"), (ld_b_mhl, 8, "LD B, [HL]"), (ld_b_a, 4, "LD B, A"), (ld_c_b, 4, "LD C, B"), (ld_c_c, 4, "LD C, C"), (ld_c_d, 4, "LD C, D"), (ld_c_e, 4, "LD C, E"), (ld_c_h, 4, "LD C, H"), (ld_c_l, 4, "LD C, L"), (ld_c_mhl, 8, "LD C, [HL]"), (ld_c_a, 4, "LD C, A"), // 0x5 opcodes (ld_d_b, 4, "LD D, B"), (ld_d_c, 4, "LD D, C"), (ld_d_d, 4, "LD D, D"), (ld_d_e, 4, "LD D, E"), (ld_d_h, 4, "LD D, H"), (ld_d_l, 4, "LD D, L"), (ld_d_mhl, 8, "LD D, [HL]"), (ld_d_a, 4, "LD D, A"), (ld_e_b, 4, "LD E, B"), (ld_e_c, 4, "LD E, C"), (ld_e_d, 4, "LD E, D"), (ld_e_e, 4, "LD E, E"), (ld_e_h, 4, "LD E, H"), (ld_e_l, 4, "LD E, L"), (ld_e_mhl, 8, "LD E, [HL]"), (ld_e_a, 4, "LD E, A"), // 0x6 opcodes (ld_h_b, 4, "LD H, B"), (ld_h_c, 4, "LD H, C"), (ld_h_d, 4, "LD H, D"), (ld_h_e, 4, "LD H, E"), (ld_h_h, 4, "LD H, H"), (ld_h_l, 4, "LD H, L"), (ld_h_mhl, 8, "LD H, [HL]"), (ld_h_a, 4, "LD H, A"), (ld_l_b, 4, "LD L, B"), (ld_l_c, 4, "LD L, C"), (ld_l_d, 4, "LD L, D"), (ld_l_e, 4, "LD L, E"), (ld_l_h, 4, "LD L, H"), (ld_l_l, 4, "LD L, L"), (ld_l_mhl, 8, "LD L, [HL]"), (ld_l_a, 4, "LD L, A"), // 0x7 opcodes (ld_mhl_b, 8, "LD [HL], B"), (ld_mhl_c, 8, "LD [HL], C"), (ld_mhl_d, 8, "LD [HL], D"), (ld_mhl_e, 8, "LD [HL], E"), (ld_mhl_h, 8, "LD [HL], H"), (ld_mhl_l, 8, "LD [HL], L"), (halt, 4, "HALT"), (ld_mhl_a, 8, "LD [HL], A"), (ld_a_b, 4, "LD A, B"), (ld_a_c, 4, "LD A, C"), (ld_a_d, 4, "LD A, D"), (ld_a_e, 4, "LD A, E"), (ld_a_h, 4, "LD A, H"), (ld_a_l, 4, "LD A, L"), (ld_a_mhl, 8, "LD A, [HL]"), (ld_a_a, 4, "LD A, A"), // 0x8 opcodes (add_a_b, 4, "ADD A, B"), (add_a_c, 4, "ADD A, C"), (add_a_d, 4, "ADD A, D"), (add_a_e, 4, "ADD A, E"), (add_a_h, 4, "ADD A, H"), (add_a_l, 4, "ADD A, L"), (add_a_mhl, 8, "ADD A, [HL]"), (add_a_a, 4, "ADD A, A"), (adc_a_b, 4, "ADC A, B"), (adc_a_c, 4, "ADC A, C"), (adc_a_d, 4, "ADC A, D"), (adc_a_e, 4, "ADC A, E"), (adc_a_h, 4, "ADC A, H"), (adc_a_l, 4, "ADC A, L"), (adc_a_mhl, 8, "ADC A, [HL]"), (adc_a_a, 4, "ADC A, A"), // 0x9 opcodes (sub_a_b, 4, "SUB A, B"), (sub_a_c, 4, "SUB A, C"), (sub_a_d, 4, "SUB A, D"), (sub_a_e, 4, "SUB A, E"), (sub_a_h, 4, "SUB A, H"), (sub_a_l, 4, "SUB A, L"), (sub_a_mhl, 8, "SUB A, [HL]"), (sub_a_a, 4, "SUB A, A"), (sbc_a_b, 4, "SBC A, B"), (sbc_a_c, 4, "SBC A, C"), (sbc_a_d, 4, "SBC A, D"), (sbc_a_e, 4, "SBC A, E"), (sbc_a_h, 4, "SBC A, H"), (sbc_a_l, 4, "SBC A, L"), (sbc_a_mhl, 8, "SBC A, [HL]"), (sbc_a_a, 4, "SBC A, A"), // 0xA opcodes (and_a_b, 4, "AND A, B"), (and_a_c, 4, "AND A, C"), (and_a_d, 4, "AND A, D"), (and_a_e, 4, "AND A, E"), (and_a_h, 4, "AND A, H"), (and_a_l, 4, "AND A, L"), (and_a_mhl, 8, "AND A, [HL]"), (and_a_a, 4, "AND A, A"), (xor_a_b, 4, "XOR A, B"), (xor_a_c, 4, "XOR A, C"), (xor_a_d, 4, "XOR A, D"), (xor_a_e, 4, "XOR A, E"), (xor_a_h, 4, "XOR A, H"), (xor_a_l, 4, "XOR A, L"), (xor_a_mhl, 8, "XOR A, [HL]"), (xor_a_a, 4, "XOR A, A"), // 0xB opcodes (or_a_b, 4, "OR A, B"), (or_a_c, 4, "OR A, C"), (or_a_d, 4, "OR A, D"), (or_a_e, 4, "OR A, E"), (or_a_h, 4, "OR A, H"), (or_a_l, 4, "OR A, L"), (or_a_mhl, 8, "OR A, [HL]"), (or_a_a, 4, "OR A, A"), (cp_a_b, 4, "CP A, B"), (cp_a_c, 4, "CP A, C"), (cp_a_d, 4, "CP A, D"), (cp_a_e, 4, "CP A, E"), (cp_a_h, 4, "CP A, H"), (cp_a_l, 4, "CP A, L"), (cp_a_mhl, 8, "CP A, [HL]"), (cp_a_a, 4, "CP A, A"), // 0xC opcodes (ret_nz, 8, "RET NZ"), (pop_bc, 12, "POP BC"), (jp_nz_u16, 12, "JP NZ, u16"), (jp_u16, 16, "JP u16"), (call_nz_u16, 12, "CALL NZ, u16"), (push_bc, 16, "PUSH BC"), (add_a_u8, 8, "ADD A, u8"), (rst_00h, 16, "RST 00h"), (ret_z, 8, "RET Z"), (ret, 16, "RET"), (jp_z_u16, 12, "JP Z, u16"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (call_z_u16, 12, "CALL Z, u16"), (call_u16, 24, "CALL u16"), (adc_a_u8, 8, "ADC A, u8 "), (rst_08h, 16, "RST 08h"), // 0xD opcodes (ret_nc, 8, "RET NC"), (pop_de, 12, "POP DE"), (jp_nc_u16, 12, "JP NC, u16"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (call_nc_u16, 12, "CALL NC, u16 "), (push_de, 16, "PUSH DE"), (sub_a_u8, 8, "SUB A, u8"), (rst_10h, 16, "RST 10h"), (ret_c, 8, "RET C"), (reti, 16, "RETI"), (jp_c_u16, 12, "JP C, u16"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (call_c_u16, 12, "CALL C, u16"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (sbc_a_u8, 8, "SBC A, u8"), (rst_18h, 16, "RST 18h"), // 0xE opcodes (ld_mff00u8_a, 12, "LD [FF00+u8], A"), (pop_hl, 12, "POP HL"), (ld_mff00c_a, 8, "LD [FF00+C], A"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (push_hl, 16, "PUSH HL"), (and_a_u8, 8, "AND A, u8"), (rst_20h, 16, "RST 20h"), (add_sp_i8, 16, "ADD SP, i8"), (jp_hl, 4, "JP HL"), (ld_mu16_a, 16, "LD [u16], A"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (xor_a_u8, 8, "XOR A, u8"), (rst_28h, 16, "RST 28h"), // 0xF opcodes (ld_a_mff00u8, 12, "LD A, [FF00+u8]"), (pop_af, 12, "POP AF"), (ld_a_mff00c, 8, "LD A, [FF00+C]"), (di, 4, "DI"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (push_af, 16, "PUSH AF"), (or_a_u8, 8, "OR A, u8"), (rst_30h, 16, "RST 30h"), (ld_hl_spi8, 12, "LD HL, SP+i8"), (ld_sp_hl, 8, "LD SP, HL"), (ld_a_mu16, 16, "LD A [u16]"), (ei, 4, "EI"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (illegal, 4, "ILLEGAL"), (cp_a_u8, 8, "CP A, u8"), (rst_38h, 16, "RST 38h"), ]; pub const EXTENDED: [Instruction; 256] = [ // 0x0 opcodes (rlc_b, 8, "RLC B"), (rlc_c, 8, "RLC C"), (rlc_d, 8, "RLC D"), (rlc_e, 8, "RLC E"), (rlc_h, 8, "RLC H"), (rlc_l, 8, "RLC L"), (rlc_mhl, 16, "RLC [HL]"), (rlc_a, 8, "RLC A"), (rrc_b, 8, "RRC B"), (rrc_c, 8, "RRC C"), (rrc_d, 8, "RRC D"), (rrc_e, 8, "RRC E"), (rrc_h, 8, "RRC H"), (rrc_l, 8, "RRC L"), (rrc_mhl, 16, "RRC [HL]"), (rrc_a, 8, "RRC A"), // 0x1 opcodes (rl_b, 8, "RL B"), (rl_c, 8, "RL C"), (rl_d, 8, "RL D"), (rl_e, 8, "RL E"), (rl_h, 8, "RL H"), (rl_l, 8, "RL L"), (rl_mhl, 16, "RL [HL]"), (rl_a, 8, "RL A"), (rr_b, 8, "RR B"), (rr_c, 8, "RR C"), (rr_d, 8, "RR D"), (rr_e, 8, "RR E"), (rr_h, 8, "RR H"), (rr_l, 8, "RR L"), (rr_mhl, 16, "RR [HL]"), (rr_a, 8, "RR A"), // 0x2 opcodes (sla_b, 8, "SLA B"), (sla_c, 8, "SLA C"), (sla_d, 8, "SLA D"), (sla_e, 8, "SLA E"), (sla_h, 8, "SLA H"), (sla_l, 8, "SLA L"), (sla_mhl, 16, "SLA [HL]"), (sla_a, 8, "SLA A"), (sra_b, 8, "SRA B"), (sra_c, 8, "SRA C"), (sra_d, 8, "SRA D"), (sra_e, 8, "SRA E"), (sra_h, 8, "SRA H"), (sra_l, 8, "SRA L"), (sra_mhl, 16, "SRA [HL]"), (sra_a, 8, "SRA A"), // 0x3 opcodes (swap_b, 8, "SWAP B"), (swap_c, 8, "SWAP C"), (swap_d, 8, "SWAP D"), (swap_e, 8, "SWAP E"), (swap_h, 8, "SWAP H"), (swap_l, 8, "SWAP L"), (swap_mhl, 16, "SWAP [HL]"), (swap_a, 8, "SWAP A"), (srl_b, 8, "SRL B"), (srl_c, 8, "SRL B"), (srl_d, 8, "SRL D"), (srl_e, 8, "SRL E"), (srl_h, 8, "SRL H"), (srl_l, 8, "SRL L"), (srl_mhl, 16, "SRL [HL]"), (srl_a, 8, "SRL A"), // 0x4 opcodes (bit_0_b, 8, "BIT 0, B"), (bit_0_c, 8, "BIT 0, C"), (bit_0_d, 8, "BIT 0, D"), (bit_0_e, 8, "BIT 0, E"), (bit_0_h, 8, "BIT 0, H"), (bit_0_l, 8, "BIT 0, L"), (bit_0_mhl, 12, "BIT 0, [HL]"), (bit_0_a, 8, "BIT 0, A"), (bit_1_b, 8, "BIT 1, B"), (bit_1_c, 8, "BIT 1, C"), (bit_1_d, 8, "BIT 1, D"), (bit_1_e, 8, "BIT 1, E"), (bit_1_h, 8, "BIT 1, H"), (bit_1_l, 8, "BIT 1, L"), (bit_1_mhl, 12, "BIT 1, [HL]"), (bit_1_a, 8, "BIT 1, A"), // 0x5 opcodes (bit_2_b, 8, "BIT 2, B"), (bit_2_c, 8, "BIT 2, C"), (bit_2_d, 8, "BIT 2, D"), (bit_2_e, 8, "BIT 2, E"), (bit_2_h, 8, "BIT 2, H"), (bit_2_l, 8, "BIT 2, L"), (bit_2_mhl, 12, "BIT 2, [HL]"), (bit_2_a, 8, "BIT 2, A"), (bit_3_b, 8, "BIT 3, B"), (bit_3_c, 8, "BIT 3, C"), (bit_3_d, 8, "BIT 3, D"), (bit_3_e, 8, "BIT 3, E"), (bit_3_h, 8, "BIT 3, H"), (bit_3_l, 8, "BIT 3, L"), (bit_3_mhl, 12, "BIT 3, [HL]"), (bit_3_a, 8, "BIT 3, A"), // 0x6 opcodes (bit_4_b, 8, "BIT 4, B"), (bit_4_c, 8, "BIT 4, C"), (bit_4_d, 8, "BIT 4, D"), (bit_4_e, 8, "BIT 4, E"), (bit_4_h, 8, "BIT 4, H"), (bit_4_l, 8, "BIT 4, L"), (bit_4_mhl, 12, "BIT 4, [HL]"), (bit_4_a, 8, "BIT 4, A"), (bit_5_b, 8, "BIT 5, B"), (bit_5_c, 8, "BIT 5, C"), (bit_5_d, 8, "BIT 5, D"), (bit_5_e, 8, "BIT 5, E"), (bit_5_h, 8, "BIT 5, H"), (bit_5_l, 8, "BIT 5, L"), (bit_5_mhl, 12, "BIT 5, [HL]"), (bit_5_a, 8, "BIT 5, A"), // 0x7 opcodes (bit_6_b, 8, "BIT 6, B"), (bit_6_c, 8, "BIT 6, C"), (bit_6_d, 8, "BIT 6, D"), (bit_6_e, 8, "BIT 6, E"), (bit_6_h, 8, "BIT 6, H"), (bit_6_l, 8, "BIT 6, L"), (bit_6_mhl, 12, "BIT 6, [HL]"), (bit_6_a, 8, "BIT 6, A"), (bit_7_b, 8, "BIT 7, B"), (bit_7_c, 8, "BIT 7, C"), (bit_7_d, 8, "BIT 7, D"), (bit_7_e, 8, "BIT 7, E"), (bit_7_h, 8, "BIT 7, H"), (bit_7_l, 8, "BIT 7, L"), (bit_7_mhl, 12, "BIT 7, [HL]"), (bit_7_a, 8, "BIT 7, A"), // 0x8 opcodes (res_0_b, 8, "RES 0, B"), (res_0_c, 8, "RES 0, C"), (res_0_d, 8, "RES 0, D"), (res_0_e, 8, "RES 0, E"), (res_0_h, 8, "RES 0, H"), (res_0_l, 8, "RES 0, L"), (res_0_mhl, 16, "RES 0, A"), (res_0_a, 8, "RES 0, A"), (res_1_b, 8, "RES 1, B"), (res_1_c, 8, "RES 1, C"), (res_1_d, 8, "RES 1, D"), (res_1_e, 8, "RES 1, E"), (res_1_h, 8, "RES 1, H"), (res_1_l, 8, "RES 1, L"), (res_1_mhl, 16, "RES 1, A"), (res_1_a, 8, "RES 1, A"), // 0x9 opcodes (res_2_b, 8, "RES 2, B"), (res_2_c, 8, "RES 2, C"), (res_2_d, 8, "RES 2, D"), (res_2_e, 8, "RES 2, E"), (res_2_h, 8, "RES 2, H"), (res_2_l, 8, "RES 2, L"), (res_2_mhl, 16, "RES 2, A"), (res_2_a, 8, "RES 2, A"), (res_3_b, 8, "RES 3, B"), (res_3_c, 8, "RES 3, C"), (res_3_d, 8, "RES 3, D"), (res_3_e, 8, "RES 3, E"), (res_3_h, 8, "RES 3, H"), (res_3_l, 8, "RES 3, L"), (res_3_mhl, 16, "RES 3, A"), (res_3_a, 8, "RES 3, A"), // 0xA opcodes (res_4_b, 8, "RES 4, B"), (res_4_c, 8, "RES 4, C"), (res_4_d, 8, "RES 4, D"), (res_4_e, 8, "RES 4, E"), (res_4_h, 8, "RES 4, H"), (res_4_l, 8, "RES 4, L"), (res_4_mhl, 16, "RES 4, A"), (res_4_a, 8, "RES 4, A"), (res_5_b, 8, "RES 5, B"), (res_5_c, 8, "RES 5, C"), (res_5_d, 8, "RES 5, D"), (res_5_e, 8, "RES 5, E"), (res_5_h, 8, "RES 5, H"), (res_5_l, 8, "RES 5, L"), (res_5_mhl, 16, "RES 5, A"), (res_5_a, 8, "RES 5, A"), // 0xB opcodes (res_6_b, 8, "RES 6, B"), (res_6_c, 8, "RES 6, C"), (res_6_d, 8, "RES 6, D"), (res_6_e, 8, "RES 6, E"), (res_6_h, 8, "RES 6, H"), (res_6_l, 8, "RES 6, L"), (res_6_mhl, 16, "RES 6, A"), (res_6_a, 8, "RES 6, A"), (res_7_b, 8, "RES 7, B"), (res_7_c, 8, "RES 7, C"), (res_7_d, 8, "RES 7, D"), (res_7_e, 8, "RES 7, E"), (res_7_h, 8, "RES 7, H"), (res_7_l, 8, "RES 7, L"), (res_7_mhl, 16, "RES 7, A"), (res_7_a, 8, "RES 7, A"), // 0xC opcodes (set_0_b, 8, "SET 0, B"), (set_0_c, 8, "SET 0, C"), (set_0_d, 8, "SET 0, D"), (set_0_e, 8, "SET 0, E"), (set_0_h, 8, "SET 0, H"), (set_0_l, 8, "SET 0, L"), (set_0_mhl, 16, "SET 0, [HL]"), (set_0_a, 8, "SET 0, A"), (set_1_b, 8, "SET 1, B"), (set_1_c, 8, "SET 1, C"), (set_1_d, 8, "SET 1, D"), (set_1_e, 8, "SET 1, E"), (set_1_h, 8, "SET 1, H"), (set_1_l, 8, "SET 1, L"), (set_1_mhl, 16, "SET 1, [HL]"), (set_1_a, 8, "SET 1, A"), // 0xD opcodes (set_2_b, 8, "SET 2, B"), (set_2_c, 8, "SET 2, C"), (set_2_d, 8, "SET 2, D"), (set_2_e, 8, "SET 2, E"), (set_2_h, 8, "SET 2, H"), (set_2_l, 8, "SET 2, L"), (set_2_mhl, 16, "SET 2, [HL]"), (set_2_a, 8, "SET 2, A"), (set_3_b, 8, "SET 3, B"), (set_3_c, 8, "SET 3, C"), (set_3_d, 8, "SET 3, D"), (set_3_e, 8, "SET 3, E"), (set_3_h, 8, "SET 3, H"), (set_3_l, 8, "SET 3, L"), (set_3_mhl, 16, "SET 3, [HL]"), (set_3_a, 8, "SET 3, A"), // 0xE opcodes (set_4_b, 8, "SET 4, B"), (set_4_c, 8, "SET 4, C"), (set_4_d, 8, "SET 4, D"), (set_4_e, 8, "SET 4, E"), (set_4_h, 8, "SET 4, H"), (set_4_l, 8, "SET 4, L"), (set_4_mhl, 16, "SET 4, [HL]"), (set_4_a, 8, "SET 4, A"), (set_5_b, 8, "SET 5, B"), (set_5_c, 8, "SET 5, C"), (set_5_d, 8, "SET 5, D"), (set_5_e, 8, "SET 5, E"), (set_5_h, 8, "SET 5, H"), (set_5_l, 8, "SET 5, L"), (set_5_mhl, 16, "SET 5, [HL]"), (set_5_a, 8, "SET 5, A"), // 0xF opcodes (set_6_b, 8, "SET 6, B"), (set_6_c, 8, "SET 6, C"), (set_6_d, 8, "SET 6, D"), (set_6_e, 8, "SET 6, E"), (set_6_h, 8, "SET 6, H"), (set_6_l, 8, "SET 6, L"), (set_6_mhl, 16, "SET 6, [HL]"), (set_6_a, 8, "SET 6, A"), (set_7_b, 8, "SET 7, B"), (set_7_c, 8, "SET 7, C"), (set_7_d, 8, "SET 7, D"), (set_7_e, 8, "SET 7, E"), (set_7_h, 8, "SET 7, H"), (set_7_l, 8, "SET 7, L"), (set_7_mhl, 16, "SET 7, [HL]"), (set_7_a, 8, "SET 7, A"), ]; pub type Instruction = (fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &'static str); fn nop(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn illegal(_cpu: &mut Cpu) { panic!("Illegal instruction"); } fn ld_bc_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.set_bc(word); } fn ld_mbc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.bc(), cpu.a); } fn inc_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_bc(cpu.bc().wrapping_add(1)); } fn inc_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let b = cpu.b; let value = b.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((b & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.b = value; } fn dec_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let b = cpu.b; let value = b.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((b & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.b = value; } fn ld_b_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.b = byte; } fn rlca(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let carry = cpu.a >> 7; cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(carry == 1); } fn ld_mu16_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.sp as u8); cpu.mmu.write(word + 1, (cpu.sp >> 8) as u8); } fn add_hl_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(), cpu.bc()); cpu.set_hl(value); } fn ld_a_mbc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = byte; } fn dec_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_bc(cpu.bc().wrapping_sub(1)); } fn inc_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let c = cpu.c; let value = cpu.c.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((c & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.c = value; } fn dec_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let c = cpu.c; let value = c.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((c & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.c = value; } fn ld_c_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.c = byte; } fn rrca(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let carry = cpu.a & 0x1; cpu.a = (cpu.a >> 1) | (carry << 7); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(carry == 0x1); } fn stop(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.stop(); } fn ld_de_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.set_de(word); } fn ld_mde_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(, cpu.a); } fn inc_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_de(; } fn inc_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let d = cpu.d; let value = d.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((d & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.d = value; } fn dec_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let d = cpu.d; let value = d.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((d & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.d = value; } fn ld_d_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.d = byte; } fn rla(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let carry = cpu.carry(); cpu.set_carry(cpu.a & 0x80 == 0x80); cpu.a = cpu.a << 1 | carry as u8; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); } fn jr_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16; } fn add_hl_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(),; cpu.set_hl(value); } fn ld_a_mde(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = byte; } fn dec_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_de(; } fn inc_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let e = cpu.e; let value = cpu.e.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((e & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.e = value; } fn dec_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let e = cpu.e; let value = e.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((e & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.e = value; } fn ld_e_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.e = byte; } fn rra(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let carry = cpu.carry(); cpu.set_carry((cpu.a & 0x1) == 0x1); cpu.a = cpu.a >> 1 | ((carry as u8) << 7); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); } fn jr_nz_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; if { return; } cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn ld_hl_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.set_hl(word); } fn ld_mhli_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a); cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1)); } fn inc_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1)); } fn inc_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let h = cpu.h; let value = cpu.h.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((h & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.h = value; } fn dec_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let h = cpu.h; let value = h.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((h & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.h = value; } fn ld_h_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.h = byte; } fn daa(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let a = cpu.a; let mut adjust = 0; if cpu.half_carry() { adjust |= 0x06; } if cpu.carry() { // Yes, we have to adjust it. adjust |= 0x60; } let res = if cpu.sub() { a.wrapping_sub(adjust) } else { if a & 0x0f > 0x09 { adjust |= 0x06; } if a > 0x99 { adjust |= 0x60; } a.wrapping_add(adjust) }; cpu.a = res; cpu.set_zero(res == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(adjust & 0x60 == 0x60); } fn jr_z_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; if ! { return; } cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn add_hl_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(), cpu.hl()); cpu.set_hl(value); } fn ld_a_mhli(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = byte; cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_add(1)); } fn dec_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_sub(1)); } fn inc_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let l = cpu.l; let value = l.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((l & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.l = value; } fn dec_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let l = cpu.l; let value = l.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((l & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.l = value; } fn ld_l_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.l = byte; } fn cpl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = !cpu.a; cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn ld_sp_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.sp = cpu.read_u16(); } fn jr_nc_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; if cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn ld_mhld_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a); cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_sub(1)); } fn inc_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_add(1); } fn inc_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; let value = byte.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((byte & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), value); } fn dec_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; let value = byte.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((byte & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), value); } fn ld_mhl_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), byte); } fn scf(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(true); } fn jr_c_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; if !cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = (cpu.pc as i16).wrapping_add(byte as i16) as u16; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn add_hl_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let value = add_u16_u16(cpu, cpu.hl(), cpu.sp()); cpu.set_hl(value); } fn ld_a_mhld(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = byte; cpu.set_hl(cpu.hl().wrapping_sub(1)); } fn dec_sp(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_sub(1); } fn inc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let a = cpu.a; let value = a.wrapping_add(1); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((a & 0xf) == 0xf); cpu.a = value; } fn dec_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let a = cpu.a; let value = a.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((a & 0xf) == 0x0); cpu.a = value; } fn ld_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = byte; } fn ccf(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(!cpu.carry()); } fn ld_b_b(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_b_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.c; } fn ld_b_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.d; } fn ld_b_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.e; } fn ld_b_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.h; } fn ld_b_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.l; } fn ld_b_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.b = byte; } fn ld_b_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = cpu.a; } fn ld_c_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.b; } fn ld_c_c(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_c_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.d; } fn ld_c_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.e; } fn ld_c_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.h; } fn ld_c_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.l; } fn ld_c_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.c = byte; } fn ld_c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = cpu.a; } fn ld_d_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.b; } fn ld_d_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.c; } fn ld_d_d(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_d_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.e; } fn ld_d_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.h; } fn ld_d_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.l; } fn ld_d_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.d = byte; } fn ld_d_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = cpu.a; } fn ld_e_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.b; } fn ld_e_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.c; } fn ld_e_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.d; } fn ld_e_e(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_e_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.h; } fn ld_e_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.l; } fn ld_e_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.e = byte; } fn ld_e_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = cpu.a; } fn ld_h_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.b; } fn ld_h_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.c; } fn ld_h_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.d; } fn ld_h_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.e; } fn ld_h_h(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_h_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.l; } fn ld_h_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.h = byte; } fn ld_h_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = cpu.a; } fn ld_l_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.b; } fn ld_l_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.c; } fn ld_l_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.d; } fn ld_l_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.e; } fn ld_l_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.h; } fn ld_l_l(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn ld_l_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.l = byte; } fn ld_l_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = cpu.a; } fn ld_mhl_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.b); } fn ld_mhl_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.c); } fn ld_mhl_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.d); } fn ld_mhl_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.e); } fn ld_mhl_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.h); } fn ld_mhl_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.l); } fn halt(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.halt(); } fn ld_mhl_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(cpu.hl(), cpu.a); } fn ld_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.b; } fn ld_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.c; } fn ld_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.d; } fn ld_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.e; } fn ld_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.h; } fn ld_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = cpu.l; } fn ld_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = byte; } fn ld_a_a(_cpu: &mut Cpu) {} fn add_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b); } fn add_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.c); } fn add_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.d); } fn add_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.e); } fn add_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.h); } fn add_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.l); } fn add_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn add_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.a); } fn adc_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b); } fn adc_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.c); } fn adc_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.d); } fn adc_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.e); } fn adc_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.h); } fn adc_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.l); } fn adc_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn adc_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.a); } fn sub_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b); } fn sub_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.c); } fn sub_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.d); } fn sub_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.e); } fn sub_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.h); } fn sub_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.l); } fn sub_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn sub_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.a); } fn sbc_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b); } fn sbc_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.c); } fn sbc_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.d); } fn sbc_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.e); } fn sbc_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.h); } fn sbc_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.l); } fn sbc_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn sbc_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.a); } fn and_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.b; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.c; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.d; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.e; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.h; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.l; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a &= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn and_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a &= cpu.a; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.b; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.c; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.d; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.e; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.h; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.l; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a ^= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn xor_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a ^= cpu.a; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.b; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.c; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.d; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.e; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.h; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.l; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; cpu.a |= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn or_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a |= cpu.a; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn cp_a_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.b); } fn cp_a_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.c); } fn cp_a_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.d); } fn cp_a_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.e); } fn cp_a_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.h); } fn cp_a_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.l); } fn cp_a_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte =; sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn cp_a_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, cpu.a); } fn ret_nz(cpu: &mut Cpu) { if { return; } cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn pop_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.set_bc(word); } fn jp_nz_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if { return; } cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn jp_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.pc = word; } fn call_nz_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if { return; } cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn push_bc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.push_word(cpu.bc()); } fn add_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = add_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn rst_00h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0000); } fn ret_z(cpu: &mut Cpu) { if ! { return; } cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn ret(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); } fn jp_z_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if ! { return; } cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn call_z_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if ! { return; } cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn call_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = word; } fn adc_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = add_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn rst_08h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0008); } fn ret_nc(cpu: &mut Cpu) { if cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn pop_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.set_de(word); } fn jp_nc_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn call_nc_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn push_de(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.push_word(; } fn sub_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn rst_10h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0010); } fn ret_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { if !cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn reti(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.pc = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.enable_int(); } fn jp_c_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if !cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(4); } fn call_c_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); if !cpu.carry() { return; } cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = word; cpu.cycles = cpu.cycles.wrapping_add(12); } fn sbc_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = sub_carry_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn rst_18h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0018); } fn ld_mff00u8_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + byte as u16, cpu.a); } fn pop_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.set_hl(word); } fn ld_mff00c_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.mmu.write(0xff00 + cpu.c as u16, cpu.a); } fn push_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.push_word(cpu.hl()); } fn and_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a &= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(true); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn rst_20h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0020); } fn add_sp_i8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let sp = cpu.sp as i32; let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; let byte_i32 = byte as i32; let result = sp.wrapping_add(byte_i32); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry((sp ^ byte_i32 ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((sp ^ byte_i32 ^ result) & 0x100 == 0x100); cpu.sp = result as u16; } fn jp_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.pc = cpu.hl(); } fn ld_mu16_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); cpu.mmu.write(word, cpu.a); } fn xor_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a ^= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn rst_28h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0028); } fn ld_a_mff00u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a = + byte as u16); } fn pop_af(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.pop_word(); cpu.set_af(word); } fn ld_a_mff00c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = + cpu.c as u16); } fn di(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.disable_int(); } fn push_af(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.push_word(; } fn or_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); cpu.a |= byte; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(cpu.a == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); } fn rst_30h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0030); } fn ld_hl_spi8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let sp = cpu.sp as i32; let byte = cpu.read_u8() as i8; let byte_i32 = byte as i32; let result = sp.wrapping_add(byte_i32); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(false); cpu.set_half_carry((sp ^ byte_i32 ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((sp ^ byte_i32 ^ result) & 0x100 == 0x100); cpu.set_hl(result as u16); } fn ld_sp_hl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.sp = cpu.hl(); } fn ld_a_mu16(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let word = cpu.read_u16(); let byte =; cpu.a = byte; } fn ei(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.enable_int(); } fn cp_a_u8(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let byte = cpu.read_u8(); sub_set_flags(cpu, cpu.a, byte); } fn rst_38h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { rst(cpu, 0x0038); } fn rlc_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = rlc(cpu, cpu.b); } fn rlc_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = rlc(cpu, cpu.c); } fn rlc_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = rlc(cpu, cpu.d); } fn rlc_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = rlc(cpu, cpu.e); } fn rlc_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = rlc(cpu, cpu.h); } fn rlc_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = rlc(cpu, cpu.l); } fn rlc_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = rlc(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn rlc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = rlc(cpu, cpu.a); } fn rrc_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = rrc(cpu, cpu.b); } fn rrc_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = rrc(cpu, cpu.c); } fn rrc_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = rrc(cpu, cpu.d); } fn rrc_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = rrc(cpu, cpu.e); } fn rrc_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = rrc(cpu, cpu.h); } fn rrc_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = rrc(cpu, cpu.l); } fn rrc_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = rrc(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn rrc_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = rrc(cpu, cpu.a); } fn rl_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = rl(cpu, cpu.b); } fn rl_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = rl(cpu, cpu.c); } fn rl_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = rl(cpu, cpu.d); } fn rl_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = rl(cpu, cpu.e); } fn rl_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = rl(cpu, cpu.h); } fn rl_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = rl(cpu, cpu.l); } fn rl_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = rl(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn rl_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = rl(cpu, cpu.a); } fn rr_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = rr(cpu, cpu.b); } fn rr_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = rr(cpu, cpu.c); } fn rr_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = rr(cpu, cpu.d); } fn rr_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = rr(cpu, cpu.e); } fn rr_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = rr(cpu, cpu.h); } fn rr_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = rr(cpu, cpu.l); } fn rr_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = rr(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn rr_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = rr(cpu, cpu.a); } fn sla_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = sla(cpu, cpu.b); } fn sla_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = sla(cpu, cpu.c); } fn sla_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = sla(cpu, cpu.d); } fn sla_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = sla(cpu, cpu.e); } fn sla_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = sla(cpu, cpu.h); } fn sla_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = sla(cpu, cpu.l); } fn sla_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = sla(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn sla_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sla(cpu, cpu.a); } fn sra_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = sra(cpu, cpu.b); } fn sra_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = sra(cpu, cpu.c); } fn sra_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = sra(cpu, cpu.d); } fn sra_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = sra(cpu, cpu.e); } fn sra_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = sra(cpu, cpu.h); } fn sra_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = sra(cpu, cpu.l); } fn sra_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = sra(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn sra_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = sra(cpu, cpu.a); } fn swap_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = swap(cpu, cpu.b) } fn swap_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = swap(cpu, cpu.c) } fn swap_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = swap(cpu, cpu.d) } fn swap_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = swap(cpu, cpu.e) } fn swap_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = swap(cpu, cpu.h) } fn swap_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = swap(cpu, cpu.l) } fn swap_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = swap(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn swap_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = swap(cpu, cpu.a) } fn srl_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = srl(cpu, cpu.b); } fn srl_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = srl(cpu, cpu.c); } fn srl_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = srl(cpu, cpu.d); } fn srl_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = srl(cpu, cpu.e); } fn srl_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = srl(cpu, cpu.h); } fn srl_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = srl(cpu, cpu.l); } fn srl_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let result = srl(cpu, byte); cpu.mmu.write(hl, result); } fn srl_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = srl(cpu, cpu.a); } fn bit_0_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 0); } fn bit_0_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 0); } fn bit_1_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 1); } fn bit_1_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 1); } fn bit_2_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 2); } fn bit_2_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 2); } fn bit_3_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 3); } fn bit_3_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 3); } fn bit_4_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 4); } fn bit_4_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 4); } fn bit_5_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 5); } fn bit_5_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 5); } fn bit_6_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 6); } fn bit_6_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 6); } fn bit_7_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_b(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_c(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_d(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_e(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_h(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_l(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_mhl(cpu, 7); } fn bit_7_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { bit_a(cpu, 7); } fn res_0_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 0); } fn res_0_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 0); } fn res_0_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 0); } fn res_0_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 0); } fn res_0_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 0); } fn res_0_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 0); } fn res_0_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 0); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_0_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 0); } fn res_1_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 1); } fn res_1_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 1); } fn res_1_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 1); } fn res_1_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 1); } fn res_1_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 1); } fn res_1_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 1); } fn res_1_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 1); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_1_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 1); } fn res_2_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 2); } fn res_2_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 2); } fn res_2_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 2); } fn res_2_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 2); } fn res_2_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 2); } fn res_2_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 2); } fn res_2_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 2); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_2_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 2); } fn res_3_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 3); } fn res_3_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 3); } fn res_3_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 3); } fn res_3_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 3); } fn res_3_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 3); } fn res_3_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 3); } fn res_3_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 3); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_3_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 3); } fn res_4_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 4); } fn res_4_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 4); } fn res_4_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 4); } fn res_4_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 4); } fn res_4_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 4); } fn res_4_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 4); } fn res_4_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 4); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_4_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 4); } fn res_5_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 5); } fn res_5_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 5); } fn res_5_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 5); } fn res_5_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 5); } fn res_5_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 5); } fn res_5_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 5); } fn res_5_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 5); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_5_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 5); } fn res_6_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 6); } fn res_6_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 6); } fn res_6_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 6); } fn res_6_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 6); } fn res_6_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 6); } fn res_6_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 6); } fn res_6_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 6); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_6_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 6); } fn res_7_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = res(cpu.b, 7); } fn res_7_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = res(cpu.c, 7); } fn res_7_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = res(cpu.d, 7); } fn res_7_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = res(cpu.e, 7); } fn res_7_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = res(cpu.h, 7); } fn res_7_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = res(cpu.l, 7); } fn res_7_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = res(byte, 7); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn res_7_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = res(cpu.a, 7); } fn set_0_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 0); } fn set_0_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 0); } fn set_0_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 0); } fn set_0_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 0); } fn set_0_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 0); } fn set_0_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 0); } fn set_0_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 0); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_0_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 0); } fn set_1_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 1); } fn set_1_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 1); } fn set_1_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 1); } fn set_1_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 1); } fn set_1_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 1); } fn set_1_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 1); } fn set_1_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 1); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_1_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 1); } fn set_2_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 2); } fn set_2_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 2); } fn set_2_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 2); } fn set_2_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 2); } fn set_2_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 2); } fn set_2_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 2); } fn set_2_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 2); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_2_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 2); } fn set_3_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 3); } fn set_3_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 3); } fn set_3_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 3); } fn set_3_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 3); } fn set_3_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 3); } fn set_3_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 3); } fn set_3_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 3); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_3_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 3); } fn set_4_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 4); } fn set_4_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 4); } fn set_4_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 4); } fn set_4_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 4); } fn set_4_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 4); } fn set_4_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 4); } fn set_4_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 4); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_4_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 4); } fn set_5_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 5); } fn set_5_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 5); } fn set_5_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 5); } fn set_5_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 5); } fn set_5_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 5); } fn set_5_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 5); } fn set_5_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 5); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_5_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 5); } fn set_6_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 6); } fn set_6_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 6); } fn set_6_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 6); } fn set_6_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 6); } fn set_6_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 6); } fn set_6_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 6); } fn set_6_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 6); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_6_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 6); } fn set_7_b(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.b = set(cpu.b, 7); } fn set_7_c(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.c = set(cpu.c, 7); } fn set_7_d(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.d = set(cpu.d, 7); } fn set_7_e(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.e = set(cpu.e, 7); } fn set_7_h(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.h = set(cpu.h, 7); } fn set_7_l(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.l = set(cpu.l, 7); } fn set_7_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu) { let hl = cpu.hl(); let byte =; let value = set(byte, 7); cpu.mmu.write(hl, value); } fn set_7_a(cpu: &mut Cpu) { cpu.a = set(cpu.a, 7); } /// Helper function to set one bit in a u8. fn set(value: u8, bit: u8) -> u8 { value | (1u8 << (bit as usize)) } /// Helper function to clear one bit in a u8. fn res(value: u8, bit: u8) -> u8 { value & !(1u8 << (bit as usize)) } /// Helper function that rotates (shifts) left the given /// byte (probably from a register) and updates the /// proper flag registers. fn rl(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { let carry = cpu.carry(); cpu.set_carry((value & 0x80) == 0x80); let result = (value << 1) | carry as u8; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); result } fn rlc(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { cpu.set_carry((value & 0x80) == 0x80); let result = (value << 1) | (value >> 7); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); result } /// Helper function that rotates (shifts) right the given /// byte (probably from a register) and updates the /// proper flag registers. fn rr(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { let carry = cpu.carry(); cpu.set_carry((value & 0x1) == 0x1); let result = (value >> 1) | ((carry as u8) << 7); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); result } fn rrc(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { cpu.set_carry((value & 0x1) == 0x1); let result = (value >> 1) | (value << 7); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); result } /// Helper function to test one bit in a u8. /// Returns true if bit is 0. fn bit_zero(val: u8, bit: u8) -> bool { (val & (1u8 << (bit as usize))) == 0 } fn bit_a(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.a, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_b(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.b, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_c(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.c, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_d(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.d, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_e(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.e, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_h(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.h, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_l(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(cpu.l, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn bit_mhl(cpu: &mut Cpu, bit: u8) { let byte =; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(bit_zero(byte, bit)); cpu.set_half_carry(true); } fn add_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u8, second: u8) -> u8 { let first = first as u32; let second = second as u32; let result = first.wrapping_add(second); let result_b = result as u8; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result_b == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((result & 0x100) == 0x100); result_b } fn add_carry_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u8, second: u8) -> u8 { let first = first as u32; let second = second as u32; let carry = cpu.carry() as u32; let result = first.wrapping_add(second).wrapping_add(carry); let result_b = result as u8; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result_b == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((result & 0x100) == 0x100); result_b } fn sub_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u8, second: u8) -> u8 { let first = first as u32; let second = second as u32; let result = first.wrapping_sub(second); let result_b = result as u8; cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(result_b == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((result & 0x100) == 0x100); result_b } fn sub_carry_set_flags(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u8, second: u8) -> u8 { let first = first as u32; let second = second as u32; let carry = cpu.carry() as u32; let result = first.wrapping_sub(second).wrapping_sub(carry); let result_b = result as u8; cpu.set_sub(true); cpu.set_zero(result_b == 0); cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ result) & 0x10 == 0x10); cpu.set_carry((result & 0x100) == 0x100); result_b } fn add_u16_u16(cpu: &mut Cpu, first: u16, second: u16) -> u16 { let first = first as u32; let second = second as u32; let result = first.wrapping_add(second); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_half_carry((first ^ second ^ result) & 0x1000 == 0x1000); cpu.set_carry((result & 0x10000) == 0x10000); result as u16 } fn swap(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(value == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry(false); (value << 4) | (value >> 4) } /// Helper function to shift an `u8` to the left and update CPU /// flags. fn sla(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { let result = value << 1; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry((value & 0x80) == 0x80); result } fn sra(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { let result = (value >> 1) | (value & 0x80); cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry((value & 0x1) == 0x1); result } fn srl(cpu: &mut Cpu, value: u8) -> u8 { let result = value >> 1; cpu.set_sub(false); cpu.set_zero(result == 0); cpu.set_half_carry(false); cpu.set_carry((value & 0x1) == 0x1); result } /// Helper function for RST instructions, pushes the /// current PC to the stack and jumps to the provided /// address. fn rst(cpu: &mut Cpu, addr: u16) { cpu.push_word(cpu.pc); cpu.pc = addr; }