use core::panic; use crate::{ inst::{EXTENDED, INSTRUCTIONS}, mmu::Mmu, pad::Pad, ppu::Ppu, timer::Timer, }; pub const PREFIX: u8 = 0xcb; pub struct Cpu { pub pc: u16, pub sp: u16, pub a: u8, pub b: u8, pub c: u8, pub d: u8, pub e: u8, pub h: u8, pub l: u8, ime: bool, zero: bool, sub: bool, half_carry: bool, carry: bool, halted: bool, pub mmu: Mmu, pub ticks: u32, } impl Cpu { pub fn new(mmu: Mmu) -> Self { let mut implemented = 0; let mut implemented_ext = 0; for instruction in INSTRUCTIONS { if instruction.2 != "! UNIMP !" { implemented += 1; } } for instruction in EXTENDED { if instruction.2 != "! UNIMP !" { implemented_ext += 1; } } println!( "Implemented {}/{} instructions", implemented, INSTRUCTIONS.len() ); println!( "Implemented {}/{} extended instructions", implemented_ext, EXTENDED.len() ); Self { pc: 0x0, sp: 0x0, a: 0x0, b: 0x0, c: 0x0, d: 0x0, e: 0x0, h: 0x0, l: 0x0, ime: false, zero: false, sub: false, half_carry: false, carry: false, halted: false, mmu: mmu, ticks: 0, } } pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.pc = 0x0; self.sp = 0x0; self.a = 0x0; self.b = 0x0; self.c = 0x0; self.d = 0x0; self.e = 0x0; self.h = 0x0; self.l = 0x0; self.ime = false; = false; self.sub = false; self.half_carry = false; self.carry = false; self.halted = false; self.ticks = 0; } pub fn clock(&mut self) -> u8 { // gathers the PC (program counter) reference that // is going to be used in the fetching phase let pc = self.pc; //@todo maybe remove this option as it may // spend valuable resources if pc >= 0x8000 && pc < 0x9fff { panic!("Invalid PC area at 0x{:04x}", pc); } if self.ime { // @todo aggregate all of this interrupts in the MMU if ( & 0x01 == 0x01) && self.mmu.ppu().int_vblank() { println!("Going to run V-Blank interrupt handler (0x40)"); self.disable_int(); self.push_word(pc); self.pc = 0x40; // acknowledges that the V-Blank interrupt has been // properly handled self.mmu.ppu().ack_vblank(); // in case the CPU is currently halted waiting // for an interrupt, releases it if self.halted { self.halted = false; } return 16; } // @todo aggregate the handling of these interrupts if ( & 0x04 == 0x04) && self.mmu.timer().int_tima() { println!("Going to run Timer interrupt handler (0x50)"); self.disable_int(); self.push_word(pc); self.pc = 0x50; // acknowledges that the timer interrupt has been // properly handled self.mmu.timer().ack_tima(); // in case the CPU is currently halted waiting // for an interrupt, releases it if self.halted { self.halted = false; } return 16; } } // in case the CPU is currently in the halted state // returns the control flow immediately with the associated // number of cycles estimated for the halted execution if self.halted { return 4; } // fetches the current instruction and increments // the PC (program counter) accordingly let mut opcode =; self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1); let is_prefix = opcode == PREFIX; let instruction: &(fn(&mut Cpu), u8, &str); if is_prefix { opcode =; self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1); instruction = &EXTENDED[opcode as usize]; } else { instruction = &INSTRUCTIONS[opcode as usize]; } let (instruction_fn, instruction_time, instruction_str) = instruction; if *instruction_str == "! UNIMP !" || *instruction_str == "HALT" { if *instruction_str == "HALT" { println!("Waiting for 0x{:02x} in HALT",; } println!( "{}\t(0x{:02x})\t${:04x} {}", instruction_str, opcode, pc, is_prefix ); } // calls the current instruction and increments the number of // cycles executed by the instruction time of the instruction // that has just been executed instruction_fn(self); self.ticks = self.ticks.wrapping_add(*instruction_time as u32); // returns the number of cycles that the operation // that has been executed has taken *instruction_time } #[inline(always)] pub fn mmu(&mut self) -> &mut Mmu { &mut self.mmu } #[inline(always)] pub fn ppu(&mut self) -> &mut Ppu { self.mmu().ppu() } #[inline(always)] pub fn pad(&mut self) -> &mut Pad { self.mmu().pad() } #[inline(always)] pub fn timer(&mut self) -> &mut Timer { self.mmu().timer() } #[inline(always)] pub fn halted(&self) -> bool { self.halted } #[inline(always)] pub fn ticks(&self) -> u32 { self.ticks } #[inline(always)] pub fn pc(&self) -> u16 { self.pc } #[inline(always)] pub fn sp(&self) -> u16 { self.sp } #[inline(always)] pub fn af(&self) -> u16 { (self.a as u16) << 8 | self.f() as u16 } #[inline(always)] pub fn bc(&self) -> u16 { (self.b as u16) << 8 | self.c as u16 } #[inline(always)] pub fn f(&self) -> u8 { let mut f = 0x0u8; if { f |= 0x80; } if self.sub { f |= 0x40; } if self.half_carry { f |= 0x20; } if self.carry { f |= 0x10; } f } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_f(&mut self, value: u8) { = value & 0x80 == 0x80; self.sub = value & 0x40 == 0x40; self.half_carry = value & 0x20 == 0x20; self.carry = value & 0x10 == 0x10; } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_af(&mut self, value: u16) { self.a = (value >> 8) as u8; self.set_f(value as u8); } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_bc(&mut self, value: u16) { self.b = (value >> 8) as u8; self.c = value as u8; } #[inline(always)] pub fn de(&self) -> u16 { (self.d as u16) << 8 | self.e as u16 } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_de(&mut self, value: u16) { self.d = (value >> 8) as u8; self.e = value as u8; } #[inline(always)] pub fn hl(&self) -> u16 { (self.h as u16) << 8 | self.l as u16 } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_hl(&mut self, value: u16) { self.h = (value >> 8) as u8; self.l = value as u8; } #[inline(always)] pub fn read_u8(&mut self) -> u8 { let byte =; self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1); byte } #[inline(always)] pub fn read_u16(&mut self) -> u16 { let byte1 = self.read_u8(); let byte2 = self.read_u8(); let word = byte1 as u16 | ((byte2 as u16) << 8); word } #[inline(always)] pub fn push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) { self.sp = self.sp.wrapping_sub(1); self.mmu.write(self.sp, byte); } #[inline(always)] pub fn push_word(&mut self, word: u16) { self.push_byte((word >> 8) as u8); self.push_byte(word as u8); } #[inline(always)] pub fn pop_byte(&mut self) -> u8 { let byte =; self.sp = self.sp.wrapping_add(1); byte } #[inline(always)] pub fn pop_word(&mut self) -> u16 { let word = self.pop_byte() as u16 | ((self.pop_byte() as u16) << 8); word } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_zero(&self) -> bool { } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_zero(&mut self, value: bool) { = value } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_sub(&self) -> bool { self.sub } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_sub(&mut self, value: bool) { self.sub = value; } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_half_carry(&self) -> bool { self.half_carry } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_half_carry(&mut self, value: bool) { self.half_carry = value } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_carry(&self) -> bool { self.carry } #[inline(always)] pub fn set_carry(&mut self, value: bool) { self.carry = value; } #[inline(always)] pub fn halt(&mut self) { self.halted = true; } #[inline(always)] pub fn stop(&mut self) { panic!("STOP is not implemented"); } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_int(&mut self) { self.ime = true; } #[inline(always)] pub fn disable_int(&mut self) { self.ime = false; } }