use sdl2::{ render::Canvas, rwops::RWops, surface::Surface, sys::image, ttf::Sdl2TtfContext, video::Window, AudioSubsystem, EventPump, TimerSubsystem, VideoSubsystem, }; /// Structure that provide the complete set of Graphics /// and Sound syb-system ready to be used by the overall /// emulator infrastructure. pub struct Graphics { pub canvas: Canvas<Window>, pub video_subsystem: VideoSubsystem, pub timer_subsystem: TimerSubsystem, pub audio_subsystem: AudioSubsystem, pub event_pump: EventPump, pub ttf_context: Sdl2TtfContext, } impl Graphics { /// Start the SDL sub-system and all of its structure and returns /// a structure with all the needed stuff to handle SDL graphics /// and sound. pub fn new(title: &str, width: u32, height: u32, scale: f32) -> Self { // initializes the SDL sub-system, making it ready to be // used for display of graphics and audio let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap(); let video_subsystem =; let timer_subsystem = sdl.timer().unwrap(); let audio_subsystem =; let event_pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap(); // initialized the fonts context to be used // in the loading of fonts let ttf_context = sdl2::ttf::init().unwrap(); // creates the system window that is going to be used to // show the emulator and sets it to the central are o screen let window = video_subsystem .window(title, scale as u32 * width, scale as u32 * height) .resizable() .position_centered() .opengl() .build() .unwrap(); // creates an accelerated canvas to be used in the drawing // then clears it so that is can be presented empty initially let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().accelerated().build().unwrap(); canvas.set_logical_size(width, height).unwrap(); canvas.clear(); Self { canvas: canvas, video_subsystem: video_subsystem, timer_subsystem: timer_subsystem, audio_subsystem: audio_subsystem, event_pump: event_pump, ttf_context: ttf_context, } } pub fn window(&self) -> &Window { self.canvas.window() } pub fn window_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Window { self.canvas.window_mut() } } pub fn surface_from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Surface { unsafe { let rw_ops = RWops::from_bytes(bytes).unwrap(); let raw_surface = image::IMG_Load_RW(rw_ops.raw(), 0); Surface::from_ll(raw_surface) } }