pub const VRAM_SIZE: usize = 8192;
pub const HRAM_SIZE: usize = 128;
pub const PALETTE_SIZE: usize = 4;
pub const RGBA_SIZE: usize = 4;

/// The number of tiles that can be store in Game Boy's
/// VRAM memory according to specifications.
pub const TILE_COUNT: usize = 384;

/// The width of the Game Boy screen in pixels.
pub const SCREEN_WIDTH: usize = 160;

/// The height of the Game Boy screen in pixels.
pub const SCREEN_HEIGHT: usize = 154;

/// Represents the Game Boy PPU (Pixel Processing Unit) and controls
/// all of the logic behind the graphics processing and presentation.
/// Should store both the VRAM and HRAM together with the internal
/// graphic related registers.
/// Outputs the screen as a monochromatic 8 bit frame buffer.
/// # Basic usage
/// ```rust
/// let ppu = Ppu::new();
/// ppu.tick();
/// ```
pub struct Ppu {
    /// The 8 bit based monochromatic frame buffer with the
    /// processed set of pixels ready to be displayed on screen.
    pub frame_buffer: [u8; SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT],
    /// Video dedicated memory (VRAM) where both the tiles and
    /// the sprites are going to be stored.
    pub vram: [u8; VRAM_SIZE],
    pub hram: [u8; HRAM_SIZE],
    /// The current set of processed tiles that are store in the
    /// PPU related structures.
    tiles: [[[u8; 8]; 8]; TILE_COUNT],
    /// The palette of colors that is currently loaded in Game Boy.
    palette: [[u8; RGBA_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE],
    /// The scroll Y register that controls the Y offset
    /// of the background.
    scy: u8,
    /// The scroll X register that controls the X offset
    /// of the background.
    scx: u8,
    /// The current scan line in processing, should
    /// range between 0 (0x00) and 153 (0x99), representing
    /// the 154 lines plus 10 extra v-blank lines.
    line: u8,
    switch_bg: bool,
    bg_map: bool,
    bg_tile: bool,
    switch_lcd: bool,
    /// The current execution mode of the PPU, should change
    /// between states over the drawing of a frame.
    mode: PpuMode,
    /// Internal clock counter used to control the time in ticks
    /// spent in each of the PPU modes.
    mode_clock: u16,

pub enum PpuMode {

impl Ppu {
    pub fn new() -> Ppu {
        Ppu {
            frame_buffer: [0u8; SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT],
            vram: [0u8; VRAM_SIZE],
            hram: [0u8; HRAM_SIZE],
            tiles: [[[0u8; 8]; 8]; TILE_COUNT],
            palette: [[0u8; RGBA_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE],
            scy: 0x0,
            scx: 0x0,
            line: 0x0,
            switch_bg: false,
            bg_map: false,
            bg_tile: false,
            switch_lcd: false,
            mode: PpuMode::OamRead,
            mode_clock: 0,

    pub fn clock(&mut self, ticks: u8) {
        self.mode_clock += ticks as u16;
        match self.mode {
            PpuMode::OamRead => {
                if self.mode_clock >= 204 {
                    self.mode_clock = 0;
                    self.mode = PpuMode::VramRead;
            PpuMode::VramRead => {
                if self.mode_clock >= 172 {

                    self.mode_clock = 0;
                    self.mode = PpuMode::Hblank;
            PpuMode::Hblank => {
                if self.mode_clock >= 204 {
                    self.line += 1;

                    // in case we've reached the end of the
                    // screen we're now entering the v-blank
                    if self.line == 143 {
                        self.mode = PpuMode::VBlank;
                        // self.drawData @todo implement this one
                    } else {
                        self.mode = PpuMode::OamRead;

                    self.mode_clock = 0;
            PpuMode::VBlank => {
                if self.mode_clock >= 456 {
                    self.line += 1;

                    // in case the end of v-blank has been reached then
                    // we must jump again to the OAM read mode and reset
                    // the scan line counter to the zero value
                    if self.line == 153 {
                        self.mode = PpuMode::OamRead;
                        self.line = 0;

                    self.mode_clock = 0;

    pub fn read(&mut self, addr: u16) -> u8 {
        match addr & 0x00ff {
            0x0040 => {
                let value = if self.switch_bg { 0x01 } else { 0x00 }
                    | if self.bg_map { 0x08 } else { 0x00 }
                    | if self.bg_tile { 0x10 } else { 0x00 }
                    | if self.switch_lcd { 0x80 } else { 0x00 };
            0x0042 => self.scy,
            0x0043 => self.scx,
            0x0044 => self.line,
            addr => panic!("Reading from unknown PPU location 0x{:04x}", addr),

    pub fn write(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
        match addr & 0x00ff {
            0x0040 => {
                self.switch_bg = value & 0x01 == 0x01;
                self.bg_map = value & 0x08 == 0x08;
                self.bg_tile = value & 0x10 == 0x10;
                self.switch_lcd = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
            0x0042 => self.scy = value,
            0x0043 => self.scx = value,
            0x0047 => {
                for index in 0..PALETTE_SIZE {
                    match (value >> (index * 2)) & 3 {
                        0 => self.palette[index] = [255, 255, 255, 255],
                        1 => self.palette[index] = [192, 192, 192, 255],
                        2 => self.palette[index] = [96, 96, 96, 255],
                        3 => self.palette[index] = [0, 0, 0, 255],
                        color_index => panic!("Invalid palette color index {:04x}", color_index),
            addr => panic!("Writing in unknown PPU location 0x{:04x}", addr),

    /// Updates the tile structure with the value that has
    /// just been written to a location on the VRAM associated
    /// with tiles.
    pub fn update_tile(&mut self, addr: u16, _value: u8) {
        let addr = addr & 0x1ffe;
        let tile_index = (addr >> 4) & 0x01ff;
        let y = (addr >> 1) & 0x0007;

        let mut mask;

        for x in 0..8 {
            mask = 1 << (7 - x);
            self.tiles[tile_index as usize][y as usize][x as usize] =
                if self.vram[addr as usize] & mask > 0 {
                } else {
                } | if self.vram[(addr + 1) as usize] & mask > 0 {
                } else {

    fn render_line(&self) {
        //@todo implement the rendering of a line