pub mod data;

use boytacean::{
use sdl2::{
    event::Event, keyboard::Keycode, pixels::PixelFormatEnum, rwops::RWops, surface::Surface,
    sys::image, video::Window, AudioSubsystem, EventPump, TimerSubsystem, VideoSubsystem,

/// The base title to be used in the window.
static TITLE: &'static str = "Boytacean";

pub struct Graphics {
    window: Window,
    video_subsystem: VideoSubsystem,
    timer_subsystem: TimerSubsystem,
    audio_subsystem: AudioSubsystem,
    event_pump: EventPump,

fn start_sdl() -> Graphics {
    // initializes the SDL sub-system, making it ready to be
    // used for display of graphics and audio
    let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap();
    let video_subsystem =;
    let timer_subsystem = sdl.timer().unwrap();
    let audio_subsystem =;
    let event_pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap();

    // initialized the fonts context to be used
    // in the loading of fonts
    let ttf_context = sdl2::ttf::init().unwrap();

    // creates the system window that is going to be used to
    // show the emulator and sets it to the central are o screen
    let window = video_subsystem
            2 as u32 * DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32, //@todo check screen scale
            2 as u32 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32, //@todo check screen scale

    Graphics {
        window: window,
        video_subsystem: video_subsystem,
        timer_subsystem: timer_subsystem,
        audio_subsystem: audio_subsystem,
        event_pump: event_pump,

pub fn surface_from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Surface {
    unsafe {
        let rw_ops = RWops::from_bytes(bytes).unwrap();
        let raw_surface = image::IMG_Load_RW(rw_ops.raw(), 0);

fn main() {
    let mut graphics = start_sdl();

    // updates the icon of the window to reflect the image
    // and style of the emulator
    let surface = surface_from_bytes(&data::ICON);

    let mut canvas = graphics.window.into_canvas().accelerated().build().unwrap();

    let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();

    // creates the texture streaming that is going to be used
    // as the target for the pixel buffer
    let mut texture = texture_creator
            DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32,
            DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32,

    // creates a new Game Boy instance and loads both the boot ROM
    // and the initial game ROM to "start the engine"
    let mut game_boy = GameBoy::new();

    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms.prop/");


    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/"); // CRASHED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/interrupt_time/"); // FAILED
    let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/instr_timing/"); // FAILED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/03-op sp,"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/04-op r,"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/05-op"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/06-ld r,"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/07-jr,jp,call,ret,"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/08-misc");  // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/09-op r,"); // PASSED
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/10-bit"); //
    //let rom = game_boy.load_rom_file("../../res/roms/paradius/cpu/11-op a,(hl).gb"); //let rom  PASSED

    println!("==== Cartridge ====\n{}\n===================", rom);

    let mut counter = 0u32;

    'main: loop {
        // increments the counter that will keep track
        // on the number of visual ticks since beginning
        counter = counter.wrapping_add(1);

        // obtains an event from the SDL sub-system to be
        // processed under the current emulation context
        while let Some(event) = graphics.event_pump.poll_event() {
            match event {
                Event::Quit { .. } => break 'main,

                Event::KeyDown {
                    keycode: Some(keycode),
                } => match key_to_pad(keycode) {
                    Some(key) => game_boy.key_press(key),
                    None => (),

                Event::KeyUp {
                    keycode: Some(keycode),
                } => match key_to_pad(keycode) {
                    Some(key) => game_boy.key_lift(key),
                    None => (),

                _ => (),

        let mut counter_ticks = 0u32;

        loop {
            // limits the number of ticks to the typical number
            // of ticks required to do a complete PPU draw
            if counter_ticks >= 70224 {

            // runs the Game Boy clock, this operations should
            // include the advance of both the CPU and the PPU
            counter_ticks += game_boy.clock() as u32;

        // obtains the frame buffer of the Game Boy PPU and uses it
        // to update the stream texture, copying it then to the canvas
        let frame_buffer = game_boy.frame_buffer().as_ref();
            .update(None, frame_buffer, DISPLAY_WIDTH as usize * 3)
        canvas.copy(&texture, None, None).unwrap();

        // presents the canvas effectively updating the screen
        // information presented to the user

        // @todo this must be improved with proper timestamps

fn key_to_pad(keycode: Keycode) -> Option<PadKey> {
    match keycode {
        Keycode::Up => Some(PadKey::Up),
        Keycode::Down => Some(PadKey::Down),
        Keycode::Left => Some(PadKey::Left),
        Keycode::Right => Some(PadKey::Right),
        Keycode::Return => Some(PadKey::Start),
        Keycode::Return2 => Some(PadKey::Start),
        Keycode::Space => Some(PadKey::Select),
        Keycode::A => Some(PadKey::A),
        Keycode::S => Some(PadKey::B),
        _ => None,