use boytacean::{ gb::GameBoy, ppu::{DISPLAY_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_WIDTH}, }; use sdl2::{ pixels::PixelFormatEnum, video::Window, AudioSubsystem, EventPump, TimerSubsystem, VideoSubsystem, }; /// The base title to be used in the window. static TITLE: &'static str = "Boytacean"; pub struct Graphics { window: Window, video_subsystem: VideoSubsystem, timer_subsystem: TimerSubsystem, audio_subsystem: AudioSubsystem, event_pump: EventPump, } fn start_sdl() -> Graphics { // initializes the SDL sub-system, making it ready to be // used for display of graphics and audio let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap(); let video_subsystem =; let timer_subsystem = sdl.timer().unwrap(); let audio_subsystem =; let event_pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap(); // initialized the fonts context to be used // in the loading of fonts let ttf_context = sdl2::ttf::init().unwrap(); // creates the system window that is going to be used to // show the emulator and sets it to the central are o screen let mut window = video_subsystem .window( TITLE, 2 as u32 * DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32, //@todo check screen scale 2 as u32 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32, //@todo check screen scale ) .resizable() .position_centered() .opengl() .build() .unwrap(); Graphics { window: window, video_subsystem: video_subsystem, timer_subsystem: timer_subsystem, audio_subsystem: audio_subsystem, event_pump: event_pump, } } fn main() { let mut graphics = start_sdl(); let mut canvas = graphics.window.into_canvas().accelerated().build().unwrap(); canvas.clear(); canvas.present(); let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator(); // creates the texture streaming that is going to be used // as the target for the pixel buffer let mut texture = texture_creator .create_texture_streaming( PixelFormatEnum::RGB24, DISPLAY_WIDTH as u32, DISPLAY_HEIGHT as u32, ) .unwrap(); let mut game_boy = GameBoy::new(); game_boy.load_boot_default(); let mut counter = 0; 'main: loop { if counter >= 7000000 { break; } while let Some(event) = graphics.event_pump.poll_event() {} let mut counter_ticks = 0u32; loop { // limits the number of ticks to the typical number // of ticks required to do a complete PPU draw if counter_ticks >= 70224 { break; } // runs the Game Boy clock, this operations should // include the advance of both the CPU and the PPU counter_ticks += game_boy.clock() as u32; } counter += counter_ticks; let frame_buffer = game_boy.frame_buffer().as_ref(); texture .update(None, frame_buffer, DISPLAY_WIDTH as usize * 3) .unwrap(); canvas.copy(&texture, None, None).unwrap(); // presents the canvas effectively updating the screen // information presented to the user canvas.present(); graphics.timer_subsystem.delay(17); } }