use chip_ahoyto::{ chip8::Chip8, chip8::SCREEN_PIXEL_HEIGHT, chip8::SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH, chip8_neo::Chip8Neo, util::read_file, }; use sdl2::{ audio::AudioCallback, audio::AudioSpecDesired, event::Event, image::LoadSurface, keyboard::Keycode, pixels::Color, pixels::PixelFormatEnum, rect::Rect, render::TextureQuery, surface::Surface, ttf::Hinting, }; use std::path::Path; // handle the annoying Rect i32 macro_rules! rect( ($x:expr, $y:expr, $w:expr, $h:expr) => ( Rect::new($x as i32, $y as i32, $w as u32, $h as u32) ) ); const COLORS: [[u8; 3]; 6] = [ [255, 255, 255], [80, 203, 147], [74, 246, 38], [255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255], ]; const LOGIC_HZ: u32 = 480; const VISUAL_HZ: u32 = 60; const IDLE_HZ: u32 = 60; const TIMER_HZ: u32 = 60; const BEEP_DURATION: f32 = 0.1; const LOGIC_DELTA: u32 = VISUAL_HZ; const SCREEN_SCALE: f32 = 10.0; /// The name of the font file to be used in the diagnostics. static FONT_NAME: &'static str = "RobotoMono-Bold.ttf"; /// The size of the font in pixels to be used in the render. const FONT_SIZE: u16 = 13; /// The base title to be used in the window. static TITLE: &'static str = "CHIP-Ahoyto"; /// The title that is going to be presented initially to the user. static TITLE_INITIAL: &'static str = "CHIP-Ahoyto [Drag and drop the ROM file to play]"; pub struct BeepCallback { phase_inc: f32, phase: f32, volume: f32, } impl AudioCallback for BeepCallback { type Channel = f32; fn callback(&mut self, out: &mut [f32]) { for x in out.iter_mut() { if self.phase >= 0.0 && self.phase <= 0.5 { *x = self.volume; } else { *x = -self.volume; } self.phase = (self.phase + self.phase_inc) % 1.0; } } } impl BeepCallback { pub fn set_phase_inc(&mut self, phase_inc: f32) { self.phase_inc = phase_inc; } pub fn set_phase(&mut self, phase: f32) { self.phase = phase; } pub fn set_volume(&mut self, volume: f32) { self.volume = volume; } } pub struct State { system: Chip8Neo, logic_frequency: u32, visual_frequency: u32, idle_frequency: u32, timer_frequency: u32, screen_scale: f32, beep_duration: f32, next_tick_time: u32, beep_ticks: u32, pixel_color: [u8; 3], diag_color: [u8; 3], pixel_color_index: u32, title: String, rom_name: String, rom_loaded: bool, diag: bool, } impl State { pub fn set_title(&mut self, title: &String) { self.title = title.to_string(); } } fn main() { // builds the CHIP-8 machine, this is the instance that // is going to logically represent the CHIP-8 let mut state = State { system: Chip8Neo::new(), logic_frequency: LOGIC_HZ, visual_frequency: VISUAL_HZ, idle_frequency: IDLE_HZ, timer_frequency: TIMER_HZ, screen_scale: SCREEN_SCALE, beep_duration: BEEP_DURATION, next_tick_time: 0, beep_ticks: 0, pixel_color: COLORS[0], diag_color: COLORS[1], pixel_color_index: 0, title: String::from(TITLE_INITIAL), rom_name: String::from("unloaded"), rom_loaded: false, diag: false, }; // initializes the SDL sub-system let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap(); let video_subsystem =; let mut timer_subsystem = sdl.timer().unwrap(); let audio_subsystem =; let mut event_pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap(); // initialized the fonts context to be used // in the loading of fonts let ttf_context = sdl2::ttf::init().unwrap(); // loads the font that is going to be used in the drawing // process cycle if necessary let mut font = ttf_context .load_font(format!("./resources/{}", FONT_NAME), FONT_SIZE) .unwrap(); font.set_style(sdl2::ttf::FontStyle::BOLD); font.set_hinting(Hinting::Light); // creates the system window that is going to be used to // show the emulator and sets it to the central are o screen let mut window = video_subsystem .window( TITLE, state.screen_scale as u32 * SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH as u32, state.screen_scale as u32 * SCREEN_PIXEL_HEIGHT as u32, ) .resizable() .position_centered() .opengl() .build() .unwrap(); // updates the icon of the window to reflect the image // and style of the emulator let surface = Surface::from_file("./resources/icon.png").unwrap(); window.set_icon(&surface); let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().accelerated().build().unwrap(); canvas.clear(); canvas.present(); let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator(); // creates the texture streaming that is going to be used // as the target for the pixel buffer let mut texture = texture_creator .create_texture_streaming( PixelFormatEnum::RGB24, SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH as u32, SCREEN_PIXEL_HEIGHT as u32, ) .unwrap(); // creates a texture for the surface and presents it to // to the screen creating a call to action to drag and // drop the image into the screen let background = texture_creator .create_texture_from_surface(&surface) .unwrap(); canvas.copy(&background, None, None).unwrap(); canvas.present(); // creates a new audio device and prints the specs for it // making sure that a proper beep callback is set let desired_spec = AudioSpecDesired { freq: Some(44100), channels: Some(1), samples: None, }; let device = audio_subsystem .open_playback(None, &desired_spec, |spec| BeepCallback { phase_inc: 440.0 / spec.freq as f32, phase: 0.0, volume: 0.5, }) .unwrap(); 'main: loop { if state.timer_frequency < state.visual_frequency { panic!("timer frequency must be higher or equal to visual frequency") } while let Some(event) = event_pump.poll_event() { match event { Event::Quit { .. } => break 'main, Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape), .. } => break 'main, Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Plus), .. } => { state.logic_frequency = state.logic_frequency.saturating_add(LOGIC_DELTA); None } Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Minus), .. } => { state.logic_frequency = state.logic_frequency.saturating_sub(LOGIC_DELTA); None } Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::O), .. } => { state.system.reset(); None } Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::P), .. } => { state.pixel_color_index = (state.pixel_color_index + 1) % COLORS.len() as u32; state.pixel_color = COLORS[state.pixel_color_index as usize]; let diag_color_index = (state.pixel_color_index + 2) % COLORS.len() as u32; state.diag_color = COLORS[diag_color_index as usize]; None } Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::T), .. } => { state.diag = !state.diag; None } Event::DropFile { filename, .. } => { let rom = read_file(&filename); let rom_name = Path::new(&filename).file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); state.system.reset_hard(); state.system.load_rom(&rom); state.rom_name = String::from(rom_name); state.rom_loaded = true; state.set_title(&format!("{} [Currently playing: {}]", TITLE, rom_name)); None } Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(keycode), .. } if state.rom_loaded => key_to_btn(keycode).map(|btn| state.system.key_press(btn)), Event::KeyUp { keycode: Some(keycode), .. } if state.rom_loaded => key_to_btn(keycode).map(|btn| state.system.key_lift(btn)), _ => None, }; } // updates the window tittle according to the specs of the machine // and the provided base title canvas .window_mut() .set_title(&format!( "{} [{} hz, {} fps]", state.title, state.logic_frequency, state.visual_frequency )) .unwrap(); // in case the ROM is not loaded we must delay next execution // a little bit to avoid extreme CPU usage, at the same the // background must be copied to allow resizing of window to // be properly handled if !state.rom_loaded { canvas.copy(&background, None, None).unwrap(); canvas.present(); timer_subsystem.delay(1000 / state.idle_frequency); continue; } let current_time = timer_subsystem.ticks(); if current_time >= state.next_tick_time { // allocates space for the variable that is going to control // if a new beep was requested by the CHIP-8 logic cycles let mut beep = false; // calculates the ratio between the logic and the visual frequency // to make sure that the proper number of updates are performed let logic_visual_ratio = state.logic_frequency / state.visual_frequency; for _ in 0..logic_visual_ratio { // runs the clock operation in the CHIP-8 system, // effectively changing the logic state of the machine state.system.clock(); } // calculates the ration between the timer and the visual frequency // so that the proper timer updates are rune let timer_visual_ratio = state.timer_frequency / state.visual_frequency; for _ in 0..timer_visual_ratio { // runs the clock for the timers (both sound and delay), // after that tries to determine if a beep should be sounded state.system.clock_dt(); state.system.clock_st(); beep |= state.system.beep(); } // in case a beep has been requested in the logical loop // then the audio device is activated for the number of // visual ticks associated with the beep duration (in seconds) if beep { device.resume(); state.beep_ticks = (state.visual_frequency as f32 * state.beep_duration) as u32; } // decrements the number of pending beep ticks and checks // if the value has reached zero in that case pauses the // beep issuing device state.beep_ticks = state.beep_ticks.saturating_sub(1); if state.beep_ticks == 0 { device.pause(); } // re-creates a vector of pixels from the system pixels // buffer, this is considered a pretty expensive operation let mut rgb_pixels = vec![]; for p in state.system.pixels() { rgb_pixels.extend_from_slice(&[ p * state.pixel_color[0], p * state.pixel_color[1], p * state.pixel_color[2], ]) } // creates a texture based on the RGB pixel buffer // and copies that to the canvas for presentation texture .update(None, &rgb_pixels, SCREEN_PIXEL_WIDTH as usize * 3) .unwrap(); canvas.copy(&texture, None, None).unwrap(); // draws the diagnostics information to the canvas in case the // current state is requesting the display of it if state.diag { let x = 12; let mut y = 12; let padding = 2; let text = format!( "Engine: {}\nROM: {}\nFrequency: {} Hz\nDisplay: {} fps\nPC: 0x{:04x}\nSP: 0x{:04x}",, state.rom_name, state.logic_frequency, state.visual_frequency, state.system.pc(), state.system.sp() ); let text_sequence = text.split("\n"); for part in text_sequence { let surface = font .render(part) .blended(Color::RGBA( state.diag_color[0], state.diag_color[1], state.diag_color[2], 255, )) .unwrap(); let texture = texture_creator .create_texture_from_surface(&surface) .unwrap(); let TextureQuery { width, height, .. } = texture.query(); canvas .copy(&texture, None, Some(rect!(x, y, width, height))) .unwrap(); y += height + padding; } } // presents the canvas effectively updating the screen // information presented to the user canvas.present(); // updates the next update time reference to the current // time so that it can be used from game loop control state.next_tick_time = current_time + (1000 / state.visual_frequency); } let current_time = timer_subsystem.ticks(); let pending_time = state.next_tick_time.saturating_sub(current_time); timer_subsystem.delay(pending_time); } } fn key_to_btn(keycode: Keycode) -> Option<u8> { match keycode { Keycode::Num1 => Some(0x01), Keycode::Num2 => Some(0x02), Keycode::Num3 => Some(0x03), Keycode::Num4 => Some(0x0C), Keycode::Q => Some(0x04), Keycode::W => Some(0x05), Keycode::E => Some(0x06), Keycode::R => Some(0x0D), Keycode::A => Some(0x07), Keycode::S => Some(0x08), Keycode::D => Some(0x09), Keycode::F => Some(0x0E), Keycode::Z => Some(0x0A), Keycode::X => Some(0x00), Keycode::C => Some(0x0B), Keycode::V => Some(0x0F), _ => None, } }