A Game Boy emulator that is written in Rust 🦀.
**This emulator has been written for educational purposes and shouldn't be taken to seriously.** But yeahh it plays games, which is cool... 🎮
| Provider | Stable | URL |
| --------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Cloudfare | `True` | []( |
| Cloudfare | `True` | []( |
| Cloudfare | `True` | []( |
| Cloudfare | `False` | []( |
## Build
### WASM for Node.js
cargo install wasm-pack
wasm-pack build --release --target=nodejs -- --features wasm
### WASM for Web
cargo install wasm-pack
wasm-pack build --release --target=web --out-dir=examples/web/lib -- --features wasm
cd examples/web
npm install && npm run build
cd dist && python3 -m http.server
* [Game Boy Development community](
* [GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript](
* [POKEGB: a gameboy emulator that only plays Pokémon blue](
* [Game Boy CPU Opcodes](
* [Codeslinger - Game Boy](
* [GitHub - c-sp/gameboy-test-roms](
* [GitHub - LIJI32/SameBoy (C)](
* [GitHub - binji/binjgb (C)](
* [GitHub - Rodrigodd/gameroy (Rust)](
* [GitHub - simias/gb-rs (Rust)](
* [GitHub - RubenG123/frosty (Rust)](
* [GitHub - feo-boy/feo-boy (Rust)](
* [GitHub - calvinbaart/gameboy (TypeScript)](
### Videos
* [YouTube - The Ultimate Game Boy Talk (33c3)](
Boyacian is currently licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](