use core::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
pub enum RomType {
RomOnly = 0x00,
Mbc1 = 0x01,
Mbc1Ram = 0x02,
Mbc1RamBattery = 0x03,
Mbc2 = 0x05,
Mbc2Battery = 0x06,
Unknown = 0xff,
impl Display for RomType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let str = match self {
RomType::RomOnly => "ROM Only",
RomType::Mbc1 => "MBC 1",
RomType::Mbc1Ram => "MBC 1 + RAM",
RomType::Mbc1RamBattery => "MBC 1 + RAM + Battery",
RomType::Mbc2 => "MBC 2",
RomType::Mbc2Battery => "MBC 2 + RAM",
RomType::Unknown => "Unknown",
write!(f, "{}", str)
impl RomSize {
pub fn rom_banks(&self) -> u16 {
match self {
RomSize::Size32K => 2,
RomSize::Size64K => 4,
RomSize::Size128K => 8,
RomSize::Size256K => 16,
RomSize::Size512K => 32,
RomSize::Size1M => 64,
RomSize::Size2M => 128,
RomSize::Size4M => 256,
RomSize::Size8M => 512,
RomSize::SizeUnknown => 0,
impl Display for RomSize {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let str = match self {
RomSize::Size32K => "32 KB",
RomSize::Size64K => "64 KB",
RomSize::Size128K => "128 KB",
RomSize::Size256K => "256 KB",
RomSize::Size512K => "512 KB",
RomSize::Size1M => "1 MB",
RomSize::Size2M => "2 MB",
RomSize::Size4M => "4 MB",
RomSize::Size8M => "8 MB",
RomSize::SizeUnknown => "Unknown",
write!(f, "{}", str)
pub enum RamSize {
impl Display for RamSize {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let str = match self {
RamSize::NoRam => "No RAM",
RamSize::Unused => "Unused",
RamSize::Size8K => "8 KB",
RamSize::Size32K => "32 KB",
RamSize::Size128K => "128 KB",
RamSize::Size64K => "64 KB",
RamSize::SizeUnknown => "Unknown",
write!(f, "{}", str)
pub struct Cartridge {
/// The complete data of the ROM cartridge, should
/// include the complete set o ROM banks.
/// The base RAM that is going to be used to store
/// temporary data for basic cartridges.
ram_data: [u8; ERAM_SIZE],
/// The MBC (Memory Bank Controller) to be used for
/// RAM and ROM access on the current cartridge.
mbc: &'static Mbc,
/// The offset address to the ROM bank (#1) that is
/// currently in use by the ROM cartridge.
rom_offset: usize,
/// The index of the bank that is currently selected
/// for the ROM bank #1.
rom_bank: u8,
impl Cartridge {
pub fn new() -> Self {
rom_data: vec![],
ram_data: [0u8; ERAM_SIZE],
pub fn from_data(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
let mut cartridge = Cartridge::new();
pub fn read(&self, addr: u16) -> u8 {
match addr & 0xf000 {
0x0000 | 0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x3000 | 0x4000 | 0x5000 | 0x6000 | 0x7000 => {
(self.mbc.read_rom)(self, addr)
0xa000 | 0xb000 => (self.mbc.read_ram)(self, addr),
_ => {
debugln!("Reading from unknown Cartridge control 0x{:04x}", addr);
pub fn write(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
match addr & 0xf000 {
0x0000 | 0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x3000 | 0x4000 | 0x5000 | 0x6000 | 0x7000 => {
(self.mbc.write_rom)(self, addr, value)
0xa000 | 0xb000 => (self.mbc.write_ram)(self, addr, value),
_ => debugln!("Writing to unknown Cartridge address 0x{:04x}", addr),
pub fn get_bank(&self, index: u8) -> &[u8] {
let start = index as usize * BANK_SIZE;
let end = (index + 1) as usize * BANK_SIZE;
pub fn rom_type(&self) -> RomType {
0x00 => RomType::RomOnly,
0x01 => RomType::Mbc1,
0x02 => RomType::Mbc1Ram,
0x03 => RomType::Mbc1RamBattery,
0x05 => RomType::Mbc2,
0x06 => RomType::Mbc2Battery,
_ => RomType::Unknown,
pub fn rom_size(&self) -> RomSize {
0x00 => RomSize::Size32K,
0x01 => RomSize::Size64K,
0x02 => RomSize::Size128K,
0x03 => RomSize::Size256K,
0x04 => RomSize::Size512K,
0x05 => RomSize::Size1M,
0x06 => RomSize::Size2M,
0x07 => RomSize::Size4M,
0x08 => RomSize::Size8M,
_ => RomSize::SizeUnknown,
pub fn ram_size(&self) -> RamSize {
0x00 => RamSize::NoRam,
0x01 => RamSize::Unused,
0x02 => RamSize::Size8K,
0x03 => RamSize::Size32K,
0x04 => RamSize::Size128K,
0x05 => RamSize::Size64K,
_ => RamSize::SizeUnknown,
match self.rom_type() {
RomType::RomOnly => &NO_MBC,
RomType::Mbc1 => &MBC1,
RomType::Mbc1Ram => &MBC1,
RomType::Mbc1RamBattery => &MBC1,
_ => &NO_MBC,
pub fn set_rom_bank(&mut self, rom_bank: u8) {
self.rom_bank = rom_bank;
self.rom_offset = rom_bank as usize * BANK_SIZE;
fn set_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
self.rom_data = data.to_vec();
self.rom_offset = 0x4000;
self.rom_bank = 0x01;
fn set_mbc(&mut self) {
self.mbc = self.get_mbc();
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Name => {}\nType => {}\nROM Size => {}\nRAM Size => {}",
pub struct Mbc {
pub name: &'static str,
pub read_rom: fn(rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16) -> u8,
pub write_rom: fn(rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, value: u8),
pub read_ram: fn(rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16) -> u8,
pub write_ram: fn(rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, value: u8),
pub static NO_MBC: Mbc = Mbc {
name: "No MBC",
read_rom: |rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16| -> u8 { rom.rom_data[addr as usize] },
write_rom: |_rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, _value: u8| {
match addr {
// ignores this address as Tetris and some other games write
// to this address for some reason (probably MBC1 compatibility)
0x2000 => (),
_ => panic!("Writing in unknown Cartridge ROM location 0x{:04x}", addr),
read_ram: |rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16| -> u8 { rom.ram_data[(addr & 0x1fff) as usize] },
write_ram: |rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, value: u8| {
rom.ram_data[(addr & 0x1fff) as usize] = value;
pub static MBC1: Mbc = Mbc {
name: "MBC1",
read_rom: |rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16| -> u8 {
match addr & 0xf000 {
0x0000 | 0x1000 | 0x2000 | 0x3000 => rom.rom_data[addr as usize],
0x4000 | 0x5000 | 0x6000 | 0x7000 => {
rom.rom_data[rom.rom_offset + (addr - 0x4000) as usize]
_ => panic!("Reading from unknown Cartridge ROM location 0x{:04x}", addr),
write_rom: |rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, value: u8| {
match addr & 0xf000 {
0x0000 | 0x1000 => {
println!("RAM ENABLE {}", value);
//@todo RAM ENABLE
// @todo this is slow and must be pre-computed in cartridge
let mut rom_bank = value & (rom.rom_size().rom_banks() * 2 - 1) as u8;
if rom_bank == 0 {
rom_bank = 1;
0x4000 | 0x5000 => {
println!("SETTING UPPER BITS {}", value);
0x6000 | 0x7000 => {
println!("SETTING MODE {}", value);
_ => panic!("Writing to unknown Cartridge ROM location 0x{:04x}", addr),
read_ram: |rom: &Cartridge, addr: u16| -> u8 { rom.ram_data[(addr & 0x1fff) as usize] },
write_ram: |rom: &mut Cartridge, addr: u16, value: u8| {
debugln!("Writing to ERAM at 0x{:04x}", addr);
rom.ram_data[(addr & 0x1fff) as usize] = value;