João Magalhães authoredJoão Magalhães authored
lib.rs 2.40 KiB
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
const RETRO_API_VERSION: u32 = 1;
pub struct retro_system_info {
pub library_name: *const c_char,
pub library_version: *const c_char,
pub valid_extensions: *const c_char,
pub need_fullpath: bool,
pub block_extract: bool,
pub struct retro_game_geometry {
pub base_width: u32,
pub base_height: u32,
pub max_width: u32,
pub max_height: u32,
pub aspect_ratio: f32,
pub struct retro_system_timing {
pub fps: f64,
pub sample_rate: f64,
pub struct retro_system_api {
pub retro_api_version: u32,
pub retro_get_system_info: extern "C" fn(*mut retro_system_info),
pub retro_set_environment: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn(u32, *const c_void), *const c_void),
pub retro_set_video_refresh: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn()),
pub retro_set_audio_sample: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn(i16)),
pub retro_set_audio_sample_batch: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn(*const i16, usize)),
pub retro_set_input_poll: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn()),
pub retro_set_input_state: extern "C" fn(extern "C" fn(u32, u32, u16, i16) -> i16),
// Add other Libretro core functions here as needed
extern "C" fn retro_get_system_info(info: *mut retro_system_info) {
unsafe {
(*info).library_name = "Boytacean\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
(*info).library_version = "0.9.6\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
(*info).valid_extensions = "gb\0gbc\0\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
(*info).need_fullpath = false;
(*info).block_extract = false;
extern "C" fn retro_set_environment(
_callback: extern "C" fn(u32, *const c_void),
_data: *const c_void,
) {
// Set any environment variables or configuration options here if needed
// For example, you might handle system RAM allocation using this function
// Add other core functions here as needed
// Call this function to initialize the libretro core
pub extern "C" fn retro_api_version() -> u32 {
// Define other core functions here as needed
// Add your Game Boy emulator code here
// ...
// Entry point for the libretro core
pub extern "C" fn retro_init() {}
// Other libretro core functions
// ...
// Entry point to deinitialize the libretro core
pub extern "C" fn retro_deinit() {}