João Magalhães authored
There are many quirks to how this works but the unfreeze and thre length clock on enable are the most important ones. For more information on these options check https://github.com/retrio/gb-test-roms/blob/master/dmg_sound/source/03-trigger.s.
João Magalhães authoredThere are many quirks to how this works but the unfreeze and thre length clock on enable are the most important ones. For more information on these options check https://github.com/retrio/gb-test-roms/blob/master/dmg_sound/source/03-trigger.s.
apu.rs 35.67 KiB
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use crate::{gb::GameBoy, warnln};
const DUTY_TABLE: [[u8; 8]; 4] = [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
const CH4_DIVISORS: [u8; 8] = [8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112];
pub enum Channel {
pub struct Apu {
ch1_timer: i16,
ch1_sequence: u8,
ch1_envelope_sequence: u8,
ch1_envelope_enabled: bool,
ch1_sweep_sequence: u8,
ch1_output: u8,
ch1_dac: bool,
ch1_sweep_slope: u8,
ch1_sweep_increase: bool,
ch1_sweep_pace: u8,
ch1_length_timer: u8,
ch1_wave_duty: u8,
ch1_pace: u8,
ch1_direction: u8,
ch1_volume: u8,
ch1_wave_length: u16,
ch1_length_enabled: bool,
ch1_enabled: bool,
ch2_timer: i16,
ch2_sequence: u8,
ch2_envelope_sequence: u8,
ch2_envelope_enabled: bool,
ch2_output: u8,
ch2_dac: bool,
ch2_length_timer: u8,
ch2_wave_duty: u8,
ch2_pace: u8,
ch2_direction: u8,
ch2_volume: u8,
ch2_wave_length: u16,
ch2_length_enabled: bool,
ch2_enabled: bool,
ch3_timer: i16,
ch3_position: u8,
ch3_output: u8,
ch3_dac: bool,
ch3_length_timer: u16,
ch3_output_level: u8,
ch3_wave_length: u16,
ch3_length_enabled: bool,
ch3_enabled: bool,
ch4_timer: i32,
ch4_envelope_sequence: u8,
ch4_envelope_enabled: bool,
ch4_output: u8,
ch4_dac: bool,
ch4_length_timer: u8,
ch4_pace: u8,
ch4_direction: u8,
ch4_volume: u8,
ch4_divisor: u8,
ch4_width_mode: bool,
ch4_clock_shift: u8,
ch4_lfsr: u16,
ch4_length_enabled: bool,
ch4_enabled: bool,
master: u8,
glob_panning: u8,
right_enabled: bool,
left_enabled: bool,
sound_enabled: bool,
ch1_out_enabled: bool,
ch2_out_enabled: bool,
ch3_out_enabled: bool,
ch4_out_enabled: bool,
wave_ram: [u8; 16],
sampling_rate: u16,
sequencer: u16,
sequencer_step: u8,
output_timer: i16,
audio_buffer: VecDeque<u8>,
audio_buffer_max: usize,
clock_freq: u32,
impl Apu {
pub fn new(sampling_rate: u16, buffer_size: f32, clock_freq: u32) -> Self {
Self {
ch1_timer: 0,
ch1_sequence: 0,
ch1_envelope_sequence: 0,
ch1_envelope_enabled: false,
ch1_sweep_sequence: 0,
ch1_output: 0,
ch1_dac: false,
ch1_sweep_slope: 0x0,
ch1_sweep_increase: true,
ch1_sweep_pace: 0x0,
ch1_length_timer: 0x0,
ch1_wave_duty: 0x0,
ch1_pace: 0x0,
ch1_direction: 0x0,
ch1_volume: 0x0,
ch1_wave_length: 0x0,
ch1_length_enabled: false,
ch1_enabled: false,
ch2_timer: 0,
ch2_sequence: 0,
ch2_envelope_sequence: 0,
ch2_envelope_enabled: false,
ch2_output: 0,
ch2_dac: false,
ch2_length_timer: 0x0,
ch2_wave_duty: 0x0,
ch2_pace: 0x0,
ch2_direction: 0x0,
ch2_volume: 0x0,
ch2_wave_length: 0x0,
ch2_length_enabled: false,
ch2_enabled: false,
ch3_timer: 0,
ch3_position: 0,
ch3_output: 0,
ch3_dac: false,
ch3_length_timer: 0x0,
ch3_output_level: 0x0,
ch3_wave_length: 0x0,
ch3_length_enabled: false,
ch3_enabled: false,
ch4_timer: 0,
ch4_envelope_sequence: 0,
ch4_envelope_enabled: false,
ch4_output: 0,
ch4_dac: false,
ch4_length_timer: 0x0,
ch4_pace: 0x0,
ch4_direction: 0x0,
ch4_volume: 0x0,
ch4_divisor: 0x0,
ch4_width_mode: false,
ch4_clock_shift: 0x0,
ch4_lfsr: 0x0,
ch4_length_enabled: false,
ch4_enabled: false,
master: 0x0,
glob_panning: 0x0,
left_enabled: true,
right_enabled: true,
sound_enabled: true,
ch1_out_enabled: true,
ch2_out_enabled: true,
ch3_out_enabled: true,
ch4_out_enabled: true,
/// The RAM that is used to sore the wave information
/// to be used in channel 3 audio
wave_ram: [0u8; 16],
/// The rate at which audio samples are going to be
/// taken, ideally this value should be aligned with
/// the sampling rate of the output device. A typical
/// sampling rate would be of 44.1kHz.
/// Internal sequencer counter that runs at 512Hz
/// used for the activation of the tick actions.
sequencer: 0,
sequencer_step: 0,
output_timer: 0,
audio_buffer: VecDeque::with_capacity(
(sampling_rate as f32 * buffer_size) as usize * 2,
audio_buffer_max: (sampling_rate as f32 * buffer_size) as usize * 2,
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.ch1_timer = 0;
self.ch1_sequence = 0;
self.ch1_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch1_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch1_sweep_sequence = 0;
self.ch1_output = 0;
self.ch1_dac = false;
self.ch1_sweep_slope = 0x0;
self.ch1_sweep_increase = true;
self.ch1_sweep_pace = 0x0;
self.ch1_length_timer = 0x0;
self.ch1_wave_duty = 0x0;
self.ch1_pace = 0x0;
self.ch1_direction = 0x0;
self.ch1_volume = 0x0;
self.ch1_wave_length = 0x0;
self.ch1_length_enabled = false;
self.ch1_enabled = false;
self.ch2_timer = 0;
self.ch2_sequence = 0;
self.ch2_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch2_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch2_output = 0;
self.ch2_dac = false;
self.ch2_length_timer = 0x0;
self.ch2_wave_duty = 0x0;
self.ch2_pace = 0x0;
self.ch2_direction = 0x0;
self.ch2_volume = 0x0;
self.ch2_wave_length = 0x0;
self.ch2_length_enabled = false;
self.ch2_enabled = false;
self.ch3_timer = 0;
self.ch3_position = 0;
self.ch3_output = 0;
self.ch3_dac = false;
self.ch3_length_timer = 0x0;
self.ch3_output_level = 0x0;
self.ch3_wave_length = 0x0;
self.ch3_length_enabled = false;
self.ch3_enabled = false;
self.ch4_timer = 0;
self.ch4_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch4_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch4_output = 0;
self.ch4_dac = false;
self.ch4_length_timer = 0x0;
self.ch4_pace = 0x0;
self.ch4_direction = 0x0;
self.ch4_volume = 0x0;
self.ch4_divisor = 0x0;
self.ch4_width_mode = false;
self.ch4_clock_shift = 0x0;
self.ch4_lfsr = 0x0;
self.ch4_length_enabled = false;
self.ch4_enabled = false;
self.master = 0x0;
self.glob_panning = 0x0;
self.left_enabled = true;
self.right_enabled = true;
self.sound_enabled = true;
self.sequencer = 0;
self.sequencer_step = 0;
self.output_timer = 0;
pub fn clock(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
if !self.sound_enabled {
self.sequencer += cycles;
if self.sequencer >= 8192 {
// each of these steps runs at 512/8 Hz = 64Hz,
// meaning a complete loop runs at 512 Hz
match self.sequencer_step {
0 => {
1 => (),
2 => {
3 => (),
4 => {
5 => (),
6 => {
7 => {
_ => (),
self.sequencer -= 8192;
self.sequencer_step = (self.sequencer_step + 1) & 7;
self.output_timer = self.output_timer.saturating_sub(cycles as i16);
if self.output_timer <= 0 {
// verifies if we've reached the maximum allowed size for the
// audio buffer and if that's the case an item is removed from
// the buffer (avoiding overflow) and then then the new audio
// volume item is added to the queue
if self.audio_buffer.len() >= self.audio_buffer_max {
if self.left_enabled {
if self.right_enabled {
// calculates the rate at which a new audio sample should be
// created based on the (base/CPU) clock frequency and the
// sampling rate, this is basically the amount of APU clock
// calls that should be performed until an audio sample is created
self.output_timer += (self.clock_freq as f32 / self.sampling_rate as f32) as i16;
pub fn read(&mut self, addr: u16) -> u8 {
let value = match addr {
// 0xFF10 — NR10: Channel 1 sweep
0xff10 => {
(self.ch1_sweep_slope & 0x07)
| (if self.ch1_sweep_increase { 0x00 } else { 0x08 })
| ((self.ch1_sweep_pace & 0x07) << 4)
| 0x80
// 0xFF11 — NR11: Channel 1 length timer & duty cycle
0xff11 => ((self.ch1_wave_duty & 0x03) << 6) | 0x3f,
// 0xFF12 — NR12: Channel 1 volume & envelope
0xff12 => {
(self.ch1_pace & 0x07)
| ((self.ch1_direction & 0x01) << 3)
| ((self.ch1_volume & 0x0f) << 4)
// 0xFF13 — NR13: Channel 1 wavelength low
0xff13 => 0xff,
// 0xFF14 — NR14: Channel 1 wavelength high & control
0xff14 => (if self.ch1_length_enabled { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }) | 0xbf,
// 0xFF15 — Not used
0xff15 => 0xff,
// 0xFF16 — NR21: Channel 2 length timer & duty cycle
0xff16 => ((self.ch2_wave_duty & 0x03) << 6) | 0x3f,
// 0xFF17 — NR22: Channel 2 volume & envelope
0xff17 => {
(self.ch2_pace & 0x07)
| ((self.ch2_direction & 0x01) << 3)
| ((self.ch2_volume & 0x0f) << 4)
// 0xFF18 — NR23: Channel 2 wavelength low
0xff18 => 0xff,
// 0xFF19 — NR24: Channel 2 wavelength high & control
0xff19 => (if self.ch2_length_enabled { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }) | 0xbf,
// 0xFF1A — NR30: Channel 3 DAC enable
0xff1a => (if self.ch3_dac { 0x80 } else { 0x00 }) | 0x7f,
// 0xFF1B — NR31: Channel 3 length timer
0xff1b => 0xff,
// 0xFF1C — NR32: Channel 3 output level
0xff1c => ((self.ch3_output_level & 0x03) << 5) | 0x9f,
// 0xFF1D — NR33: Channel 3 wavelength low
0xff1d => 0xff,
// 0xFF1E — NR34: Channel 3 wavelength high & control
0xff1e => (if self.ch3_length_enabled { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }) | 0xbf,
// 0xFF1F — Not used
0xff1f => 0xff,
// 0xFF20 — NR41: Channel 4 length timer
0xff20 => 0xff,
// 0xFF21 — NR42: Channel 4 volume & envelope
0xff21 => {
(self.ch4_pace & 0x07)
| ((self.ch4_direction & 0x01) << 3)
| ((self.ch4_volume & 0x0f) << 4)
// 0xFF22 — NR43: Channel 4 frequency & randomness
0xff22 => {
(self.ch4_divisor & 0x07)
| if self.ch4_width_mode { 0x08 } else { 0x00 }
| ((self.ch4_clock_shift & 0x0f) << 4)
// 0xFF23 — NR44: Channel 4 control
0xff23 => (if self.ch4_length_enabled { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }) | 0xbf,
// 0xFF24 — NR50: Master volume & VIN panning
0xff24 => self.master,
// 0xFF25 — NR51: Sound panning
0xff25 => self.glob_panning,
// 0xFF26 — NR52: Sound on/off
0xff26 =>
((if self.ch1_enabled && self.ch1_dac {
} else {
} | if self.ch2_enabled && self.ch2_dac {
} else {
} | if self.ch3_enabled && self.ch3_dac {
} else {
} | if self.ch4_enabled && self.ch4_dac {
} else {
} | if self.sound_enabled { 0x80 } else { 0x00 })
| 0x70)
// 0xFF30-0xFF3F — Wave pattern RAM
0xff30..=0xff3f => self.wave_ram[addr as usize & 0x000f],
_ => {
warnln!("Reading from unknown APU location 0x{:04x}", addr);
println!("APU read: 0x{:04X} = 0x{:02X}", addr, value);
pub fn write(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
println!("APU write: 0x{:04X} = 0x{:02X}", addr, value);
// in case the sound is disabled then ignores writes
// to any register aside from the sound on/off
if !self.sound_enabled && addr != 0xff26 {
match addr {
// 0xFF10 — NR10: Channel 1 sweep
0xff10 => {
self.ch1_sweep_slope = value & 0x07;
self.ch1_sweep_increase = value & 0x08 == 0x00;
self.ch1_sweep_pace = (value & 0x70) >> 4;
self.ch1_sweep_sequence = 0;
// 0xFF11 — NR11: Channel 1 length timer & duty cycle
0xff11 => {
self.ch1_length_timer = 64 - (value & 0x3f);
self.ch1_wave_duty = (value & 0xc0) >> 6;
// 0xFF12 — NR12: Channel 1 volume & envelope
0xff12 => {
self.ch1_pace = value & 0x07;
self.ch1_direction = (value & 0x08) >> 3;
self.ch1_volume = (value & 0xf0) >> 4;
self.ch1_envelope_enabled = self.ch1_pace > 0;
self.ch1_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch1_dac = value & 0xf8 != 0x00;
if !self.ch1_dac {
self.ch1_enabled = false;
// 0xFF13 — NR13: Channel 1 wavelength low
0xff13 => {
self.ch1_wave_length = (self.ch1_wave_length & 0xff00) | value as u16;
// 0xFF14 — NR14: Channel 1 wavelength high & control
0xff14 => {
let length_trigger = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
let trigger = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
let length_edge = length_trigger && !self.ch1_length_enabled;
self.ch1_wave_length =
(self.ch1_wave_length & 0x00ff) | (((value & 0x07) as u16) << 8);
self.ch1_length_enabled = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
self.ch1_enabled |= value & 0x80 == 0x80;
if length_edge && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
if trigger {
if length_trigger && self.ch1_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch1_enabled = false;
// 0xFF15 — Not used
0xff15 => (),
// 0xFF16 — NR21: Channel 2 length timer & duty cycle
0xff16 => {
self.ch2_length_timer = 64 - (value & 0x3f);
self.ch2_wave_duty = (value & 0xc0) >> 6;
// 0xFF17 — NR22: Channel 2 volume & envelope
0xff17 => {
self.ch2_pace = value & 0x07;
self.ch2_direction = (value & 0x08) >> 3;
self.ch2_volume = (value & 0xf0) >> 4;
self.ch2_envelope_enabled = self.ch2_pace > 0;
self.ch2_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch2_dac = value & 0xf8 != 0x00;
if !self.ch2_dac {
self.ch2_enabled = false;
// 0xFF18 — NR23: Channel 2 wavelength low
0xff18 => {
self.ch2_wave_length = (self.ch2_wave_length & 0xff00) | value as u16;
// 0xFF19 — NR24: Channel 2 wavelength high & control
0xff19 => {
let length_trigger = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
let trigger = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
let length_edge = length_trigger && !self.ch2_length_enabled;
self.ch2_wave_length =
(self.ch2_wave_length & 0x00ff) | (((value & 0x07) as u16) << 8);
self.ch2_length_enabled = length_trigger;
self.ch2_enabled |= trigger;
if length_edge && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
if trigger {
if length_trigger && self.ch2_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch2_enabled = false;
// 0xFF1A — NR30: Channel 3 DAC enable
0xff1a => {
self.ch3_dac = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
if !self.ch3_dac {
self.ch3_enabled = false;
// 0xFF1B — NR31: Channel 3 length timer
0xff1b => {
self.ch3_length_timer = 256 - (value as u16);
// 0xFF1C — NR32: Channel 3 output level
0xff1c => {
self.ch3_output_level = (value & 0x60) >> 5;
// 0xFF1D — NR33: Channel 3 wavelength low
0xff1d => {
self.ch3_wave_length = (self.ch3_wave_length & 0xff00) | value as u16;
// 0xFF1E — NR34: Channel 3 wavelength high & control
0xff1e => {
let length_trigger = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
let trigger = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
let length_edge = length_trigger && !self.ch3_length_enabled;
self.ch3_wave_length =
(self.ch3_wave_length & 0x00ff) | (((value & 0x07) as u16) << 8);
self.ch3_length_enabled = length_trigger;
self.ch3_enabled |= trigger;
if length_edge && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
if trigger {
if length_trigger && self.ch3_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch3_enabled = false;
// 0xFF1F — Not used
0xff1f => (),
// 0xFF20 — NR41: Channel 4 length timer
0xff20 => {
self.ch4_length_timer = 64 - (value & 0x3f);
// 0xFF21 — NR42: Channel 4 volume & envelope
0xff21 => {
self.ch4_pace = value & 0x07;
self.ch4_direction = (value & 0x08) >> 3;
self.ch4_volume = (value & 0xf0) >> 4;
self.ch4_envelope_enabled = self.ch4_pace > 0;
self.ch4_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch4_dac = value & 0xf8 != 0x00;
if !self.ch4_dac {
self.ch4_enabled = false;
// 0xFF22 — NR43: Channel 4 frequency & randomness
0xff22 => {
self.ch4_divisor = value & 0x07;
self.ch4_width_mode = value & 0x08 == 0x08;
self.ch4_clock_shift = (value & 0xf0) >> 4;
// 0xFF23 — NR44: Channel 4 control
0xff23 => {
let length_trigger = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
let trigger = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
let length_edge = length_trigger && !self.ch4_length_enabled;
self.ch4_length_enabled = length_trigger;
self.ch4_enabled |= trigger;
if length_edge && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
if trigger {
if length_trigger && self.ch4_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch4_enabled = false;
// 0xFF24 — NR50: Master volume & VIN panning
0xff24 => {
self.master = value;
// 0xFF25 — NR51: Sound panning
0xff25 => {
self.glob_panning = value;
// 0xFF26 — NR52: Sound on/off
0xff26 => {
self.sound_enabled = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
if !self.sound_enabled {
self.sound_enabled = false;
// 0xFF30-0xFF3F — Wave pattern RAM
0xff30..=0xff3f => {
self.wave_ram[addr as usize & 0x000f] = value;
_ => warnln!("Writing in unknown APU location 0x{:04x}", addr),
pub fn output(&self) -> u8 {
self.ch1_output() + self.ch2_output() + self.ch3_output() + self.ch4_output()
pub fn ch1_output(&self) -> u8 {
if self.ch1_out_enabled {
} else {
pub fn ch2_output(&self) -> u8 {
if self.ch2_out_enabled {
} else {
pub fn ch3_output(&self) -> u8 {
if self.ch3_out_enabled {
} else {
pub fn ch4_output(&self) -> u8 {
if self.ch4_out_enabled {
} else {
pub fn ch1_enabled(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn set_ch1_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.ch1_out_enabled = enabled;
pub fn ch2_enabled(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn set_ch2_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.ch2_out_enabled = enabled;
pub fn ch3_enabled(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn set_ch3_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.ch3_out_enabled = enabled;
pub fn ch4_enabled(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn set_ch4_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.ch4_out_enabled = enabled;
pub fn audio_buffer(&self) -> &VecDeque<u8> {
pub fn audio_buffer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut VecDeque<u8> {
&mut self.audio_buffer
pub fn clear_audio_buffer(&mut self) {
pub fn clock_freq(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn set_clock_freq(&mut self, value: u32) {
self.clock_freq = value;
fn tick_length_all(&mut self) {
fn tick_length(&mut self, channel: Channel) {
match channel {
Channel::Ch1 => {
if !self.ch1_length_enabled || self.ch1_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch1_length_timer = self.ch1_length_timer.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch1_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch1_enabled = false;
Channel::Ch2 => {
if !self.ch2_length_enabled || self.ch2_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch2_length_timer = self.ch2_length_timer.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch2_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch2_enabled = false;
Channel::Ch3 => {
if !self.ch3_length_enabled || self.ch3_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch3_length_timer = self.ch3_length_timer.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch3_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch3_enabled = false;
Channel::Ch4 => {
if !self.ch4_length_enabled || self.ch4_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch4_length_timer = self.ch4_length_timer.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch4_length_timer == 0 {
self.ch4_enabled = false;
fn tick_envelope_all(&mut self) {
fn tick_envelope(&mut self, channel: Channel) {
match channel {
Channel::Ch1 => {
if !self.ch1_enabled || !self.ch1_envelope_enabled {
self.ch1_envelope_sequence += 1;
if self.ch1_envelope_sequence >= self.ch1_pace {
if self.ch1_direction == 0x01 {
self.ch1_volume = self.ch1_volume.saturating_add(1);
} else {
self.ch1_volume = self.ch1_volume.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch1_volume == 0 || self.ch1_volume == 15 {
self.ch1_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch1_envelope_sequence = 0;
Channel::Ch2 => {
if !self.ch2_enabled || !self.ch2_envelope_enabled {
self.ch2_envelope_sequence += 1;
if self.ch2_envelope_sequence >= self.ch2_pace {
if self.ch2_direction == 0x01 {
self.ch2_volume = self.ch2_volume.saturating_add(1);
} else {
self.ch2_volume = self.ch2_volume.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch2_volume == 0 || self.ch2_volume == 15 {
self.ch2_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch2_envelope_sequence = 0;
Channel::Ch3 => (),
Channel::Ch4 => {
if !self.ch4_enabled || !self.ch4_envelope_enabled {
self.ch4_envelope_sequence += 1;
if self.ch4_envelope_sequence >= self.ch4_pace {
if self.ch4_direction == 0x01 {
self.ch4_volume = self.ch4_volume.saturating_add(1);
} else {
self.ch4_volume = self.ch4_volume.saturating_sub(1);
if self.ch4_volume == 0 || self.ch4_volume == 15 {
self.ch4_envelope_enabled = false;
self.ch4_envelope_sequence = 0;
fn tick_ch1_sweep(&mut self) {
if self.ch1_sweep_pace == 0x0 {
self.ch1_sweep_sequence += 1;
if self.ch1_sweep_sequence >= self.ch1_sweep_pace {
let divisor = 1u16 << self.ch1_sweep_slope as u16;
let delta = (self.ch1_wave_length as f32 / divisor as f32) as u16;
if self.ch1_sweep_increase {
self.ch1_wave_length = self.ch1_wave_length.saturating_add(delta);
} else {
self.ch1_wave_length = self.ch1_wave_length.saturating_sub(delta);
if self.ch1_wave_length > 0x07ff {
self.ch1_enabled = false;
self.ch1_wave_length = 0x07ff;
self.ch1_sweep_sequence = 0;
fn tick_ch_all(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
fn tick_ch1(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
self.ch1_timer = self.ch1_timer.saturating_sub(cycles as i16);
if self.ch1_timer > 0 {
if self.ch1_enabled {
self.ch1_output =
if DUTY_TABLE[self.ch1_wave_duty as usize][self.ch1_sequence as usize] == 1 {
} else {
} else {
self.ch1_output = 0;
self.ch1_timer += ((2048 - self.ch1_wave_length) << 2) as i16;
self.ch1_sequence = (self.ch1_sequence + 1) & 7;
fn tick_ch2(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
self.ch2_timer = self.ch2_timer.saturating_sub(cycles as i16);
if self.ch2_timer > 0 {
if self.ch2_enabled {
self.ch2_output =
if DUTY_TABLE[self.ch2_wave_duty as usize][self.ch2_sequence as usize] == 1 {
} else {
} else {
self.ch2_output = 0;
self.ch2_timer += ((2048 - self.ch2_wave_length) << 2) as i16;
self.ch2_sequence = (self.ch2_sequence + 1) & 7;
fn tick_ch3(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
self.ch3_timer = self.ch3_timer.saturating_sub(cycles as i16);
if self.ch3_timer > 0 {
if self.ch3_enabled && self.ch3_dac {
let wave_index = self.ch3_position >> 1;
let mut output = self.wave_ram[wave_index as usize];
output = if (self.ch3_position & 0x01) == 0x01 {
output & 0x0f
} else {
(output & 0xf0) >> 4
if self.ch3_output_level > 0 {
output >>= self.ch3_output_level - 1;
} else {
output = 0;
self.ch3_output = output;
} else {
self.ch3_output = 0;
self.ch3_timer += ((2048 - self.ch3_wave_length) << 1) as i16;
self.ch3_position = (self.ch3_position + 1) & 31;
fn tick_ch4(&mut self, cycles: u16) {
self.ch4_timer = self.ch4_timer.saturating_sub(cycles as i32);
if self.ch4_timer > 0 {
if self.ch4_enabled {
// obtains the current value of the LFSR based as
// the XOR of the 1st and 2nd bit of the LFSR
let result = ((self.ch4_lfsr & 0x0001) ^ ((self.ch4_lfsr >> 1) & 0x0001)) == 0x0001;
// shifts the LFSR to the right and in case the
// value is positive sets the 15th bit to 1
self.ch4_lfsr >>= 1;
self.ch4_lfsr |= if result { 0x0001 << 14 } else { 0x0 };
// in case the short width mode (7 bits) is set then
// the 6th bit will be set to value of the 15th bit
if self.ch4_width_mode {
self.ch4_lfsr &= 0xbf;
self.ch4_lfsr |= if result { 0x40 } else { 0x00 };
self.ch4_output = if result { self.ch4_volume } else { 0 };
} else {
self.ch4_output = 0;
self.ch4_timer +=
((CH4_DIVISORS[self.ch4_divisor as usize] as u16) << self.ch4_clock_shift) as i32;
fn trigger_ch1(&mut self) {
self.ch1_timer = ((2048 - self.ch1_wave_length) << 2) as i16;
self.ch1_envelope_sequence = 0;
self.ch1_sweep_sequence = 0;
let unfreeze = self.ch1_length_timer == 0;
if unfreeze {
self.ch1_length_timer = 64;
if self.ch1_length_enabled && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
fn trigger_ch2(&mut self) {
self.ch2_timer = ((2048 - self.ch2_wave_length) << 2) as i16;
self.ch2_envelope_sequence = 0;
let unfreeze = self.ch2_length_timer == 0;
if unfreeze {
self.ch2_length_timer = 64;
if self.ch2_length_enabled && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
fn trigger_ch3(&mut self) {
self.ch3_timer = 3;
self.ch3_position = 0;
let unfreeze = self.ch3_length_timer == 0;
if unfreeze {
self.ch3_length_timer = 256;
if self.ch3_length_enabled && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
fn trigger_ch4(&mut self) {
self.ch4_timer =
((CH4_DIVISORS[self.ch4_divisor as usize] as u16) << self.ch4_clock_shift) as i32;
self.ch4_lfsr = 0x7ff1;
self.ch4_envelope_sequence = 0;
let unfreeze = self.ch4_length_timer == 0;
if unfreeze {
self.ch4_length_timer = 64;
if self.ch4_length_enabled && self.sequencer_step % 2 == 1 {
impl Default for Apu {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::new(44100, 1.0, GameBoy::CPU_FREQ)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_trigger_ch1() {
let mut apu = Apu {
ch1_wave_length: 1024,
assert_eq!(apu.ch1_timer, 4096);
assert_eq!(apu.ch1_envelope_sequence, 0);
assert_eq!(apu.ch1_sweep_sequence, 0);
fn test_trigger_ch2() {
let mut apu = Apu {
ch2_wave_length: 1024,
assert_eq!(apu.ch2_timer, 4096);
assert_eq!(apu.ch2_envelope_sequence, 0);
fn test_trigger_ch3() {
let mut apu = Apu {
ch3_wave_length: 1024,
assert_eq!(apu.ch3_timer, 3);
assert_eq!(apu.ch3_position, 0);
fn test_trigger_ch4() {
let mut apu = Apu {
ch4_divisor: 3,
ch4_clock_shift: 2,
assert_eq!(apu.ch4_timer, 192);
assert_eq!(apu.ch4_lfsr, 0x7ff1);
assert_eq!(apu.ch4_envelope_sequence, 0);