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Merged João Magalhães requested to merge joamag/wasm into master
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use sdl2::{
keyboard::Keycode, pixels::Color, pixels::PixelFormatEnum, rect::Rect, render::TextureQuery,
surface::Surface, ttf::Hinting,
use std::{env::args, path::Path};
use std::{cmp, env::args, path::Path};
// handle the annoying Rect i32
macro_rules! rect(
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const COLORS: [[u8; 3]; 6] = [
[0, 0, 255],
const LOGIC_HZ: u32 = 480;
const LOGIC_HZ: u32 = 600;
const VISUAL_HZ: u32 = 60;
const IDLE_HZ: u32 = 60;
const TIMER_HZ: u32 = 60;
@@ -91,8 +91,12 @@ pub struct State {
timer_frequency: u32,
screen_scale: f32,
beep_duration: f32,
next_tick_time: u32,
next_tick_time: f32,
next_tick_time_i: u32,
beep_ticks: u32,
frame_count: u32,
frame_start: u32,
fps: u32,
pixel_color: [u8; 3],
diag_color: [u8; 3],
pixel_color_index: usize,
@@ -135,8 +139,12 @@ fn main() {
timer_frequency: TIMER_HZ,
screen_scale: SCREEN_SCALE,
beep_duration: BEEP_DURATION,
next_tick_time: 0,
next_tick_time: 0.0,
next_tick_time_i: 0,
beep_ticks: 0,
frame_count: 0,
frame_start: 0,
fps: 0,
pixel_color: COLORS[0],
diag_color: COLORS[1],
pixel_color_index: 0,
@@ -341,7 +349,7 @@ fn main() {
"{} [{} hz, {} fps]",
state.title, state.logic_frequency, state.visual_frequency
state.title, state.logic_frequency, state.fps
@@ -360,14 +368,29 @@ fn main() {
let current_time = timer_subsystem.ticks();
if current_time >= state.next_tick_time {
if current_time >= state.next_tick_time_i {
// makes sure that the next tick time is a valid number so
// that some of the calculus are valid
if state.next_tick_time_i == 0 {
state.next_tick_time = current_time as f32;
state.next_tick_time_i = current_time;
// calculates the number of ticks that have elapsed since the
// last draw operation, this is critical to be able to properly
// operate the clock of the CPU in frame drop situations
let mut ticks = ((current_time - state.next_tick_time_i) as f32
/ (1.0 / state.visual_frequency as f32 * 1000.0))
.ceil() as u32;
ticks = cmp::max(ticks, 1);
// allocates space for the variable that is going to control
// if a new beep was requested by the CHIP-8 logic cycles
let mut beep = false;
// calculates the ratio between the logic and the visual frequency
// to make sure that the proper number of updates are performed
let logic_visual_ratio = state.logic_frequency / state.visual_frequency;
let logic_visual_ratio = state.logic_frequency / state.visual_frequency * ticks;
for _ in 0..logic_visual_ratio {
// runs the clock operation in the CHIP-8 system,
// effectively changing the logic state of the machine
@@ -376,7 +399,7 @@ fn main() {
// calculates the ration between the timer and the visual frequency
// so that the proper timer updates are rune
let timer_visual_ratio = state.timer_frequency / state.visual_frequency;
let timer_visual_ratio = state.timer_frequency / state.visual_frequency * ticks;
for _ in 0..timer_visual_ratio {
// runs the clock for the timers (both sound and delay),
// after that tries to determine if a beep should be sounded
@@ -430,7 +453,7 @@ fn main() {,
@@ -461,13 +484,29 @@ fn main() {
// information presented to the user
// increments the number of frames rendered in the current
// section, this value is going to be used to calculate FPS
state.frame_count += 1;
// in case the target number of frames for FPS control
// has been reached calculates the number of FPS and
// flushes the value to the screen
if state.frame_count == state.visual_frequency * 2 {
let current_time = timer_subsystem.ticks();
let delta_time = (current_time - state.frame_start) as f32 / 1000.0;
state.fps = (state.frame_count as f32 / delta_time).round() as u32;
state.frame_count = 0;
state.frame_start = current_time;
// updates the next update time reference to the current
// time so that it can be used from game loop control
state.next_tick_time = current_time + (1000 / state.visual_frequency);
state.next_tick_time += 1000.0 / state.visual_frequency as f32 * ticks as f32;
state.next_tick_time_i = state.next_tick_time.ceil() as u32;
let current_time = timer_subsystem.ticks();
let pending_time = state.next_tick_time.saturating_sub(current_time);
let pending_time = state.next_tick_time_i.saturating_sub(current_time);