use core::panic;
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
pub pc: u16,
pub sp: u16,
pub a: u8,
pub b: u8,
pub c: u8,
pub d: u8,
pub e: u8,
pub h: u8,
pub l: u8,
zero: bool,
sub: bool,
half_carry: bool,
carry: bool,
/// Reference to the MMU (Memory Management Unit) to be used
/// for memory bus access operations.
/// Temporary counter used to control the number of cycles
/// taken by the current or last CPU operation.
pub cycles: u8,
/// The pointer to the parent configuration of the running
/// Game Boy emulator, that can be used to control the behaviour
/// of Game Boy emulation.
gbc: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>,
pub fn new(mmu: Mmu, gbc: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>) -> Self {
a: 0x0,
b: 0x0,
c: 0x0,
d: 0x0,
e: 0x0,
h: 0x0,
l: 0x0,
zero: false,
sub: false,
half_carry: false,
carry: false,
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.pc = 0x0;
self.sp = 0x0;
self.a = 0x0;
self.b = 0x0;
self.c = 0x0;
self.d = 0x0;
self.e = 0x0;
self.h = 0x0;
self.l = 0x0;
self.ime = false; = false;
self.sub = false;
self.half_carry = false;
self.carry = false;
self.halted = false;
/// Sets the CPU registers and some of the memory space to the
/// state expected after the Game Boy boot ROM executes, using
/// these values its possible to skip the boot loading process.
pub fn boot(&mut self) {
self.pc = 0x0100;
self.sp = 0xfffe;
self.a = 0x01;
self.b = 0xff;
self.c = 0x13;
self.d = 0x00;
self.e = 0xc1;
self.h = 0x84;
self.l = 0x03; = false;
self.sub = false;
self.half_carry = false;
self.carry = false;
// updates part of the MMU state, disabling the
// boot memory overlap and setting the LCD control
// register to enabled (required by some ROMs)
self.mmu.write(0xff40, 0x91);
// gathers the PC (program counter) reference that
// is going to be used in the fetching phase
if pc >= 0x8000 && pc < 0x9fff {
panic!("Invalid PC area at 0x{:04x}", pc);
// @TODO this is so bad, need to improve this by an order
// of magnitude, to be able to have better performance
if self.halted
&& ((( & 0x01 == 0x01) && self.mmu.ppu().int_vblank())
|| (( & 0x02 == 0x02) && self.mmu.ppu().int_stat())
|| (( & 0x04 == 0x04) && self.mmu.timer().int_tima())
|| (( & 0x10 == 0x10) && self.mmu.pad().int_pad()))
self.halted = false;
if self.ime && != 0x00 {
// @TODO aggregate all of this interrupts in the MMU, as there's
// a lot of redundant code involved in here which complicates the
// readability and maybe performance of this code
if ( & 0x01 == 0x01) && self.mmu.ppu().int_vblank() {
debugln!("Going to run V-Blank interrupt handler (0x40)");
self.pc = 0x40;
// acknowledges that the V-Blank interrupt has been
// properly handled
// in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
// for an interrupt, releases it
if self.halted {
self.halted = false;
// @TODO aggregate the handling of these interrupts
else if ( & 0x02 == 0x02) && self.mmu.ppu().int_stat() {
debugln!("Going to run LCD STAT interrupt handler (0x48)");
self.pc = 0x48;
// acknowledges that the STAT interrupt has been
// properly handled
// in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
// for an interrupt, releases it
if self.halted {
self.halted = false;
// @TODO aggregate the handling of these interrupts
else if ( & 0x04 == 0x04) && self.mmu.timer().int_tima() {
debugln!("Going to run Timer interrupt handler (0x50)");
self.pc = 0x50;
// acknowledges that the timer interrupt has been
// properly handled
// in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
// for an interrupt, releases it
if self.halted {
self.halted = false;
return 24;
// @TODO aggregate the handling of these interrupts
else if ( & 0x08 == 0x08) && self.mmu.serial().int_serial() {
debugln!("Going to run Serial interrupt handler (0x58)");
self.pc = 0x58;
// acknowledges that the serial interrupt has been
// properly handled
// in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
// for an interrupt, releases it
if self.halted {
// @TODO aggregate the handling of these interrupts
else if ( & 0x10 == 0x10) && self.mmu.pad().int_pad() {
debugln!("Going to run JoyPad interrupt handler (0x60)");
self.pc = 0x60;
// acknowledges that the pad interrupt has been
// properly handled
// in case the CPU is currently halted waiting
// for an interrupt, releases it
if self.halted {
self.halted = false;
// in case the CPU is currently in the halted state
// returns the control flow immediately with the associated
// number of cycles estimated for the halted execution
if self.halted {
return 4;
// fetches the current instruction and increments
// the PC (program counter) accordingly
let mut opcode =;
self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1);
opcode =;
self.pc = self.pc.wrapping_add(1);
#[cfg(feature = "cpulog")]
if *inst_str == "! UNIMP !" || *inst_str == "HALT" {
if *inst_str == "HALT" {
debugln!("HALT with IE=0x{:02x} IME={}",, self.ime);
"{}\t(0x{:02x})\t${:04x} {}",
let title_str = format!("[0x{:04x}] {}", self.pc - 1, inst_str);
let inst_time_str = format!("({} cycles)", inst_time);
let registers_str = format!("[PC=0x{:04x} SP=0x{:04x}] [A=0x{:02x} B=0x{:02x} C=0x{:02x} D=0x{:02x} E=0x{:02x} H=0x{:02x} L=0x{:02x}]",
self.pc, self.sp, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.h, self.l);
"{0: <24} {1: <11} {2: <10}",
title_str, inst_time_str, registers_str
#[cfg(feature = "pedantic")]
if self.mmu.boot_active() && self.pc - 1 > 0x08ff {
panic!("Invalid boot address: {:04x}", self.pc - 1);
// calls the current instruction and increments the number of
// cycles executed by the instruction time of the instruction
// that has just been executed
self.cycles = 0;
self.cycles = self.cycles.wrapping_add(*inst_time);
// returns the number of cycles that the operation
// that has been executed has taken
pub fn mmu(&mut self) -> &mut Mmu {
&mut self.mmu
pub fn mmu_i(&self) -> &Mmu {
pub fn ppu(&mut self) -> &mut Ppu {
pub fn apu(&mut self) -> &mut Apu {
pub fn apu_i(&self) -> &Apu {
pub fn pad(&mut self) -> &mut Pad {
pub fn pad_i(&self) -> &Pad {
pub fn timer(&mut self) -> &mut Timer {
pub fn timer_i(&self) -> &Timer {
pub fn serial(&mut self) -> &mut Serial {
pub fn serial_i(&self) -> &Serial {
pub fn halted(&self) -> bool {
pub fn pc(&self) -> u16 {
pub fn sp(&self) -> u16 {
let mut f = 0x0u8;
if {
f |= 0x80;
if self.sub {
f |= 0x40;
if self.half_carry {
f |= 0x20;
if self.carry {
f |= 0x10;
pub fn set_f(&mut self, value: u8) { = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
self.sub = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
self.half_carry = value & 0x20 == 0x20;
self.carry = value & 0x10 == 0x10;
pub fn set_af(&mut self, value: u16) {
self.a = (value >> 8) as u8;
self.set_f(value as u8);
pub fn set_bc(&mut self, value: u16) {
self.b = (value >> 8) as u8;
self.c = value as u8;
(self.d as u16) << 8 | self.e as u16
pub fn set_de(&mut self, value: u16) {
self.d = (value >> 8) as u8;
self.e = value as u8;
(self.h as u16) << 8 | self.l as u16
pub fn set_hl(&mut self, value: u16) {
self.h = (value >> 8) as u8;
self.l = value as u8;
pub fn read_u8(&mut self) -> u8 {
pub fn read_u16(&mut self) -> u16 {
let byte1 = self.read_u8();
let byte2 = self.read_u8();
pub fn push_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
self.mmu.write(self.sp, byte);
pub fn push_word(&mut self, word: u16) {
self.push_byte((word >> 8) as u8);
self.push_byte(word as u8);
pub fn pop_byte(&mut self) -> u8 {
pub fn pop_word(&mut self) -> u16 {
self.pop_byte() as u16 | ((self.pop_byte() as u16) << 8)
pub fn set_zero(&mut self, value: bool) {
pub fn set_sub(&mut self, value: bool) {
pub fn set_half_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
pub fn set_carry(&mut self, value: bool) {
pub fn halt(&mut self) {
self.halted = true;
pub fn stop(&mut self) {
panic!("STOP is not implemented");
pub fn enable_int(&mut self) {
pub fn disable_int(&mut self) {
pub fn set_gbc(&mut self, value: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>) {
self.gbc = value;