use crate::{
gb::{GameBoyConfig, GameBoyMode},
#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
pub const VRAM_SIZE_DMG: usize = 8192;
pub const VRAM_SIZE_CGB: usize = 16384;
pub const VRAM_SIZE: usize = VRAM_SIZE_CGB;
pub const OAM_SIZE: usize = 260;
pub const RGB_SIZE: usize = 3;
pub const TILE_WIDTH: usize = 8;
pub const TILE_HEIGHT: usize = 8;
pub const TILE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT: usize = 16;
pub const TILE_COUNT_DMG: usize = 384;
pub const TILE_COUNT_CGB: usize = 768;
/// The number of tiles that can be store in Game Boy's
/// VRAM memory according to specifications.
pub const TILE_COUNT: usize = TILE_COUNT_CGB;
/// The number of objects/sprites that can be handled at
/// the same time by the Game Boy.
pub const OBJ_COUNT: usize = 40;
/// The width of the Game Boy screen in pixels.
pub const DISPLAY_WIDTH: usize = 160;
/// The height of the Game Boy screen in pixels.
/// The size to be used by the buffer of colors
/// for the Game Boy screen the values there should
/// range from 0 to 3.
/// The size of the RGB frame buffer in bytes.
/// The base colors to be used to populate the
/// custom palettes of the Game Boy.
pub const PALETTE_COLORS: Palette = [[255, 255, 255], [192, 192, 192], [96, 96, 96], [0, 0, 0]];
/// Defines the Game Boy pixel type as a buffer
/// with the size of RGB (3 bytes).
/// Defines a transparent Game Boy pixel type as a buffer
/// with the size of RGBA (4 bytes).
pub type PixelAlpha = [u8; RGBA_SIZE];
/// Defines a type that represents a color palette
/// within the Game Boy context.
pub type Palette = [Pixel; PALETTE_SIZE];
/// Defines a type that represents a color palette
/// with alpha within the Game Boy context.
pub type PaletteAlpha = [PixelAlpha; PALETTE_SIZE];
/// Represents a palette with the metadata that is
/// associated with it.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PaletteInfo {
name: String,
impl PaletteInfo {
pub fn new(name: &str, colors: Palette) -> Self {
Self {
name: String::from(name),
pub fn name(&self) -> &String {
pub fn colors(&self) -> &Palette {
/// Represents a tile within the Game Boy context,
/// should contain the pixel buffer of the tile.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
impl Tile {
pub fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> u8 {
pub fn set(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, value: u8) {
self.buffer[y * TILE_WIDTH + x] = value;
pub fn buffer(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
impl Tile {
pub fn get_row(&self, y: usize) -> &[u8] {
&self.buffer[y * TILE_WIDTH..(y + 1) * TILE_WIDTH]
impl Tile {
pub fn palette_buffer(&self, palette: Palette) -> Vec<u8> {
.flat_map(|p| palette[*p as usize])
impl Display for Tile {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut buffer = String::new();
for y in 0..8 {
for x in 0..8 {
buffer.push_str(format!("{}", self.get(x, y)).as_str());
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
pub struct ObjectData {
x: i16,
y: i16,
tile: u8,
palette_cgb: u8,
tile_bank: u8,
palette: u8,
xflip: bool,
yflip: bool,
impl ObjectData {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
x: 0,
y: 0,
tile: 0,
palette_cgb: 0,
tile_bank: 0,
palette: 0,
xflip: false,
yflip: false,
bg_over: false,
index: 0,
impl Default for ObjectData {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Display for ObjectData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Index => {}\nX => {}\nY => {}\nTile => {}",
self.index, self.x, self.y, self.tile
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TileData {
palette: u8,
vram_bank: u8,
xflip: bool,
yflip: bool,
priority: bool,
impl TileData {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
palette: 0,
vram_bank: 0,
xflip: false,
yflip: false,
priority: false,
impl Default for TileData {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Display for TileData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Palette => {}\nVRAM Bank => {}\nX Flip => {}\nY Flip => {}",
self.palette, self.vram_bank, self.xflip, self.yflip
pub scy: u8,
pub scx: u8,
pub wy: u8,
pub wx: u8,
/// Represents the Game Boy PPU (Pixel Processing Unit) and controls
/// all of the logic behind the graphics processing and presentation.
/// Should store both the VRAM and HRAM together with the internal
/// graphic related registers.
/// Outputs the screen as a RGB 8 bit frame buffer.
/// # Basic usage
/// ```rust
/// The color buffer that is going to store the colors
/// (from 0 to 3) for all the pixels in the screen.
pub color_buffer: Box<[u8; COLOR_BUFFER_SIZE]>,
/// The 8 bit based RGB frame buffer with the
/// processed set of pixels ready to be displayed on screen.
pub frame_buffer: Box<[u8; FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE]>,
/// Video dedicated memory (VRAM) where both the tiles and
/// the sprites/objects are going to be stored.
/// High RAM memory that should provide extra speed for regular
/// operations.
/// OAM RAM (Sprite Attribute Table ) used for the storage of the
/// sprite attributes for each of the 40 sprites of the Game Boy.
/// The VRAM bank to be used in the read and write operation of
/// the 0x8000-0x9FFF memory range (CGB only).
vram_bank: u8,
/// The offset to be used in the read and write operation of
/// the VRAM, this value should be consistent with the VRAM bank
/// that is currently selected (CGB only).
vram_offset: u16,
/// The current set of processed tiles that are store in the
/// PPU related structures.
/// The meta information about the sprites/objects that are going
/// to be drawn to the screen,
obj_data: [ObjectData; OBJ_COUNT],
/// The base colors that are going to be used in the registration
/// of the concrete palettes, this value basically controls the
/// colors that are going to be shown for each of the four base
/// values - 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, and 0x03.
palette_colors: Palette,
/// The palette of colors that is currently loaded in Game Boy
/// and used for background (tiles) and window.
palette_bg: Palette,
/// The palette that is going to be used for sprites/objects #0.
/// The palette that is going to be used for sprites/objects #1.
/// The complete set of background palettes that are going to be
/// used in CGB emulation to provide the full set of colors (CGB only).
palettes_color_bg: [Palette; 8],
/// The complete set of object/sprite palettes that are going to be
/// used in CGB emulation to provide the full set of colors (CGB only).
palettes_color_obj: [Palette; 8],
/// The complete set of palettes in binary data so that they can
/// be re-read if required by the system.
/// The raw binary information (64 bytes) for the color palettes,
/// contains binary information for both the background and
/// the objects palettes (CGB only).
palettes_color: [[u8; 64]; 2],
/// The complete list of attributes for the first background
/// map that is located in 0x9800-0x9BFF (CGB only).
bg_map_attrs_0: [TileData; 1024],
/// The complete list of attributes for the second background
/// map that is located in 0x9C00-0x9FFF (CGB only).
bg_map_attrs_1: [TileData; 1024],
/// The scroll Y register that controls the Y offset
/// of the background.
scy: u8,
/// The scroll X register that controls the X offset
/// of the background.
scx: u8,
/// The top most Y coordinate of the window,
/// going to be used while drawing the window.
wy: u8,
/// The top most X coordinate of the window plus 7,
/// going to be used while drawing the window.
wx: u8,
/// The current scan line in processing, should
/// range between 0 (0x00) and 153 (0x99), representing
/// the 154 lines plus 10 extra V-Blank lines.
/// The line compare register that is going to be used
/// in the STATE and associated interrupts.
/// The current execution mode of the PPU, should change
/// between states over the drawing of a frame.
mode: PpuMode,
/// Internal clock counter used to control the time in ticks
/// spent in each of the PPU modes.
mode_clock: u16,
/// Controls if the background is going to be drawn to screen.
/// Controls if the sprites/objects are going to be drawn to screen.
switch_obj: bool,
/// Defines the size in pixels of the object (false=8x8, true=8x16).
obj_size: bool,
/// Controls the map that is going to be drawn to screen, the
/// offset in VRAM will be adjusted according to this
/// (false=0x9800, true=0x9c000).
/// If the background tile set is active meaning that the
/// negative based indexes are going to be used.
/// Controls if the window is meant to be drawn.
/// Controls the offset of the map that is going to be drawn
/// for the window section of the screen.
/// Flag that controls if the LCD screen is ON and displaying
/// content.
// Internal window counter value used to control the lines that
// were effectively rendered as part of the window tile drawing process.
// A line is only considered rendered when the WX and WY registers
// are within the valid screen range and the window switch register
// is valid.
/// If the auto increment of the background color palette is enabled
/// so that the next address is going to be set on every write.
auto_increment_bg: bool,
/// The current address in usage for the background color palettes.
palette_address_bg: u8,
/// If the auto increment of the object/sprite color palette is enabled
/// so that the next address is going to be set on every write.
auto_increment_obj: bool,
/// The current address in usage for the object/sprite color palettes.
palette_address_obj: u8,
/// Flag that controls if the frame currently in rendering is the
/// first one, preventing actions.
first_frame: bool,
/// Almost unique identifier of the frame that can be used to debug
/// and uniquely identify the frame that is currently ind drawing,
/// the identifier wraps on the u16 edges.
frame_index: u16,
stat_hblank: bool,
stat_vblank: bool,
stat_oam: bool,
stat_lyc: bool,
/// Boolean value set when the V-Blank interrupt should be handled
/// by the next CPU clock operation.
/// Boolean value when the LCD STAT interrupt should be handled by
/// the next CPU clock operation.
gb_mode: GameBoyMode,
gbc: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", wasm_bindgen)]
VBlank = 1,
OamRead = 2,
VramRead = 3,
pub fn new(mode: GameBoyMode, gbc: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>) -> Self {
color_buffer: Box::new([0u8; COLOR_BUFFER_SIZE]),
frame_buffer: Box::new([0u8; FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE]),
vram_bank: 0x0,
vram_offset: 0x0000,
tiles: [Tile { buffer: [0u8; 64] }; TILE_COUNT],
obj_data: [ObjectData::default(); OBJ_COUNT],
palette_bg: [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE],
palette_obj_0: [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE],
palette_obj_1: [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE],
palettes_color_bg: [[[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE]; 8],
palettes_color_obj: [[[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE]; 8],
palettes_color: [[0u8; 64]; 2],
bg_map_attrs_0: [TileData::default(); 1024],
bg_map_attrs_1: [TileData::default(); 1024],
mode: PpuMode::OamRead,
mode_clock: 0,
auto_increment_bg: false,
palette_address_bg: 0x0,
auto_increment_obj: false,
palette_address_obj: 0x0,
stat_hblank: false,
stat_vblank: false,
stat_oam: false,
stat_lyc: false,
self.color_buffer = Box::new([0u8; COLOR_BUFFER_SIZE]);
self.frame_buffer = Box::new([0u8; FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE]);
self.vram = [0u8; VRAM_SIZE_CGB];
self.vram_bank = 0x0;
self.vram_offset = 0x0000;
self.tiles = [Tile { buffer: [0u8; 64] }; TILE_COUNT];
self.palette_bg = [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE];
self.palette_obj_0 = [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE];
self.palette_obj_1 = [[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE];
self.palettes_color_bg = [[[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE]; 8];
self.palettes_color_obj = [[[0u8; RGB_SIZE]; PALETTE_SIZE]; 8];
self.palettes_color = [[0u8; 64]; 2];
self.scy = 0x0;
self.scx = 0x0; = 0x0;
self.lyc = 0x0;
self.mode = PpuMode::OamRead;
self.mode_clock = 0;
self.switch_bg = false;
self.switch_obj = false;
self.obj_size = false;
self.bg_map = false;
self.bg_tile = false;
self.switch_window = false;
self.window_map = false;
self.switch_lcd = false;
self.window_counter = 0;
self.auto_increment_bg = false;
self.palette_address_bg = 0x0;
self.auto_increment_obj = false;
self.palette_address_obj = 0x0;
self.stat_hblank = false;
self.stat_vblank = false;
self.stat_oam = false;
self.stat_lyc = false;
self.int_vblank = false;
// in case the LCD is currently off then we skip the current
// clock operation the PPU should not work
if !self.switch_lcd {
// increments the current mode clock by the provided amount
// of CPU cycles (probably coming from a previous CPU clock)
match self.mode {
PpuMode::OamRead => {
PpuMode::VramRead => {
if self.mode_clock >= 172 {
// increments the window counter making sure that the
// valid is only incremented when both the WX and WY
// registers make sense (are within range), the window
// switch is on and the line in drawing is above WY
&& self.wx as i16 - 7 < DISPLAY_WIDTH as i16
self.window_counter += 1;
// increments the register that holds the
// information about the current line in drawing
// in case we've reached the end of the
// screen we're now entering the V-Blank
self.mode = PpuMode::VBlank;
} else {
self.mode = PpuMode::OamRead;
self.mode_clock -= 204;
PpuMode::VBlank => {
if self.mode_clock >= 456 {
// increments the register that controls the line count,
// notice that these represent the extra 10 horizontal
// scanlines that are virtual and not real (off-screen)
// in case the end of V-Blank has been reached then
// we must jump again to the OAM read mode and reset
// the scan line counter to the zero value
self.frame_index = self.frame_index.wrapping_add(1);
pub fn read(&mut self, addr: u16) -> u8 {
0x8000..=0x9fff => self.vram[(self.vram_offset + (addr & 0x1fff)) as usize],
0xfe00..=0xfe9f => self.oam[(addr & 0x009f) as usize],
0xff80..=0xfffe => self.hram[(addr & 0x007f) as usize],
0xff40 =>
| if self.switch_obj { 0x02 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.obj_size { 0x04 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.bg_map { 0x08 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.bg_tile { 0x10 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.switch_window { 0x20 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.window_map { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.stat_vblank { 0x10 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.stat_oam { 0x20 } else { 0x00 }
| if self.stat_lyc { 0x40 } else { 0x00 }
0xff42 => self.scy,
0xff43 => self.scx,
0xff44 =>,
0xff45 => self.lyc,
0xff47 => self.palettes[0],
0xff48 => self.palettes[1],
0xff49 => self.palettes[2],
0xff4a => self.wy,
0xff4b => self.wx,
// 0xFF4F — VBK (CGB only)
0xff4f => self.vram_bank | 0xfe,
// 0xFF68 — BCPS/BGPI (CGB only)
0xff68 => self.palette_address_bg | if self.auto_increment_bg { 0x80 } else { 0x00 },
// 0xFF69 — BCPD/BGPD (CGB only)
0xff69 => self.palettes_color[0][self.palette_address_bg as usize],
// 0xFF6A — OCPS/OBPI (CGB only)
0xff6a => self.palette_address_obj | if self.auto_increment_obj { 0x80 } else { 0x00 },
// 0xFF6B — OCPD/OBPD (CGB only)
0xff6b => self.palettes_color[1][self.palette_address_obj as usize],
_ => {
warnln!("Reading from unknown PPU location 0x{:04x}", addr);
pub fn write(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
match addr {
0x8000..=0x9fff => {
self.vram[(self.vram_offset + (addr & 0x1fff)) as usize] = value;
if addr < 0x9800 {
self.update_tile(addr, value);
} else if self.vram_bank == 0x1 {
self.update_bg_map_attrs(addr, value);
0xfe00..=0xfe9f => {
self.oam[(addr & 0x009f) as usize] = value;
self.update_object(addr, value);
0xff80..=0xfffe => self.hram[(addr & 0x007f) as usize] = value,
0xff40 => {
self.switch_bg = value & 0x01 == 0x01;
self.bg_map = value & 0x08 == 0x08;
self.bg_tile = value & 0x10 == 0x10;
self.switch_window = value & 0x20 == 0x20;
self.window_map = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
self.switch_lcd = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
// in case the LCD is off takes the opportunity
// to clear the screen, this is the expected
// behaviour for this specific situation
if !self.switch_lcd {
self.mode_clock = 0; = 0;
self.int_vblank = false;
self.int_stat = false;
self.stat_hblank = value & 0x08 == 0x08;
self.stat_vblank = value & 0x10 == 0x10;
self.stat_oam = value & 0x20 == 0x20;
self.stat_lyc = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
0xff42 => self.scy = value,
0xff43 => self.scx = value,
0xff45 => self.lyc = value,
0xff47 => {
Self::compute_palette(&mut self.palette_bg, &self.palette_colors, value);
Self::compute_palette(&mut self.palette_obj_0, &self.palette_colors, value);
Self::compute_palette(&mut self.palette_obj_1, &self.palette_colors, value);
0xff4a => self.wy = value,
0xff4b => self.wx = value,
// 0xFF4F — VBK (CGB only)
0xff4f => {
self.vram_bank = value & 0x01;
self.vram_offset = self.vram_bank as u16 * 0x2000;
// 0xFF68 — BCPS/BGPI (CGB only)
0xff68 => {
self.palette_address_bg = value & 0x3f;
self.auto_increment_bg = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
// 0xFF69 — BCPD/BGPD (CGB only)
0xff69 => {
let palette_index = self.palette_address_bg / 8;
let color_index = (self.palette_address_bg % 8) / 2;
let palette_color = &mut self.palettes_color[0];
palette_color[self.palette_address_bg as usize] = value;
let palette = &mut self.palettes_color_bg[palette_index as usize];
Self::compute_palette_color(palette, palette_color, palette_index, color_index);
if self.auto_increment_bg {
self.palette_address_bg = (self.palette_address_bg + 1) & 0x3f;
// 0xFF6A — OCPS/OBPI (CGB only)
0xff6a => {
self.palette_address_obj = value & 0x3f;
self.auto_increment_obj = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
// 0xFF6B — OCPD/OBPD (CGB only)
0xff6b => {
let palette_index = self.palette_address_obj / 8;
let color_index = (self.palette_address_obj % 8) / 2;
let palette_color = &mut self.palettes_color[1];
palette_color[self.palette_address_obj as usize] = value;
let palette = &mut self.palettes_color_obj[palette_index as usize];
Self::compute_palette_color(palette, palette_color, palette_index, color_index);
if self.auto_increment_obj {
self.palette_address_obj = (self.palette_address_obj + 1) & 0x3f;
_ => warnln!("Writing in unknown PPU location 0x{:04x}", addr),
pub fn vram(&self) -> &[u8; VRAM_SIZE] {
pub fn hram(&self) -> &[u8; HRAM_SIZE] {
pub fn tiles(&self) -> &[Tile; TILE_COUNT] {
pub fn set_palette_colors(&mut self, value: &Palette) {
self.palette_colors = *value;
pub fn palette_bg(&self) -> Palette {
pub fn palette_obj_0(&self) -> Palette {
pub fn palette_obj_1(&self) -> Palette {
pub fn ly(&self) -> u8 {
pub fn mode(&self) -> PpuMode {
pub fn frame_index(&self) -> u16 {
pub fn int_vblank(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_int_vblank(&mut self, value: bool) {
self.int_vblank = value;
pub fn int_stat(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_int_stat(&mut self, value: bool) {
self.int_stat = value;
pub fn ack_stat(&mut self) {
pub fn gb_mode(&self) -> GameBoyMode {
pub fn set_gb_mode(&mut self, value: GameBoyMode) {
self.gb_mode = value;
pub fn set_gbc(&mut self, value: Rc<RefCell<GameBoyConfig>>) {
self.gbc = value;
/// Fills the frame buffer with pixels of the provided color,
/// this method must represent the fastest way of achieving
/// the fill background with color operation.
pub fn fill_frame_buffer(&mut self, color: Pixel) {
for index in (0..self.frame_buffer.len()).step_by(RGB_SIZE) {
self.frame_buffer[index] = color[0];
self.frame_buffer[index + 1] = color[1];
self.frame_buffer[index + 2] = color[2];
/// Clears the current frame buffer, setting the background color
/// for all the pixels in the frame buffer.
pub fn clear_frame_buffer(&mut self) {
/// Prints the tile data information to the stdout, this is
/// useful for debugging purposes.
pub fn print_tile_stdout(&self, tile_index: usize) {
println!("{}", self.tiles[tile_index]);
/// Updates the tile structure with the value that has
/// just been written to a location on the VRAM associated
/// with tiles.
fn update_tile(&mut self, addr: u16, _value: u8) {
let addr = (self.vram_offset + (addr & 0x1ffe)) as usize;
let tile_index = ((addr >> 4) & 0x01ff) + (self.vram_bank as usize * TILE_COUNT_DMG);
let tile = self.tiles[tile_index].borrow_mut();
if self.vram[addr] & mask > 0 { 0x1 } else { 0x0 }
| if self.vram[addr + 1] & mask > 0 {
} else {
fn update_object(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
let addr = (addr & 0x01ff) as usize;
let obj_index = addr >> 2;
if obj_index >= OBJ_COUNT {
0x00 => obj.y = value as i16 - 16,
0x01 => obj.x = value as i16 - 8,
0x02 => obj.tile = value,
obj.palette_cgb = value & 0x07;
obj.tile_bank = (value & 0x08 == 0x08) as u8;
obj.xflip = value & 0x20 == 0x20;
obj.yflip = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
obj.bg_over = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
fn update_bg_map_attrs(&mut self, addr: u16, value: u8) {
let tile_index = if bg_map { addr - 0x9c00 } else { addr - 0x9800 };
let bg_map_attrs = if bg_map {
&mut self.bg_map_attrs_1
let tile_data: &mut TileData = bg_map_attrs[tile_index as usize].borrow_mut();
tile_data.vram_bank = (value & 0x08 == 0x08) as u8;
tile_data.xflip = value & 0x20 == 0x20;
tile_data.yflip = value & 0x40 == 0x40;
tile_data.priority = value & 0x80 == 0x80;
pub fn registers(&self) -> PpuRegisters {
PpuRegisters {
scy: self.scy,
scx: self.scx,
wy: self.wy,
wx: self.wx,
lyc: self.lyc,
self.render_map(self.bg_map, self.scx, self.scy, 0, 0,;
if self.switch_window {
self.render_map(self.window_map, 0, 0, self.wx, self.wy, self.window_counter);
if self.switch_obj {
fn render_map(&mut self, map: bool, scx: u8, scy: u8, wx: u8, wy: u8, ld: u8) {
// in case the target window Y position has not yet been reached